Am I a data junkie?

At work my collegue and I, we are the ones working on the visual databases for the simulators, are quite well known for our excessive harddisk usage on our development systems. When we are using satelite images in these visual database, it is not that weird to have a few GB of images that we need to process. For example to cover the Balkan area or the entire country of the Netherlands. And then I am not even talking about high resolution images (that would increase the amount of diskspace used even more).

During the processing of these images into the actual databsae, we usually have to reproject them a little or apply some other tweaks on them and of course the final tool creating the database also generates some  temp files worth a few more GB of data. So I guess you can imagine that we have to clean our harddisk quite often to keep the system running (from experience I know that 0 kB left of harddisk space does not really work well). And I guess the system administrator of our department has already gotten used to our questions for more diskspace.

And now the same seems the be happening at home with FsX. With the increased resolution of the terrain system in FsX the amount of data to process also goes up of course. I did a little test with high resolution images around Schiphol airport (16 cm resolution). Those photo alone were already a few GB worth of data, but when I added some intermediate files due to the conversion from the Dutch RD coordinate system to WGS84 and mosaicing of the different images into a few larger ones, the harddisk usage for this little test went up already. Now, after compiling the BGL files for FsX as well, the entire test project uses about 50 GB of diskspace (of which the final BGL files are only about 6 GB). Luckily my new PC at home has a big enough harddisk (for the moment).

With the changes to the FsX terrain system, I find it interesting to see that the process of scenery creation comes a step closer to the GIS data I have become familiar with at work already. The new shp2vec tool makes use of shapefiles and resample can process GeoTIFFs. Quite interesting developments and it shows that the difference between “professional” visual database and the FsX “entertainment” world is not that big.

The FsX MDL format

On the FsDeveloper Wiki I have added a page that describes (part of) the FsX MDL format. At the moment mainly the sections involved in a simple scenery object are covered, as that is the part I mainly looked at for the ModelConverterX tool until now. Hopefully this page is useful to other programmers as well, when they want to read information from FsX MDL files.

But in this blog post I want to try to explain some of the changes in less technical terms, so that also “normal” scenery designers can understand what effects the new MDL format might have on their scenery. To do that, I will start with a short description of the Fs2004 MDL format.

The Fs2004 MDL format contains lists of the vertices, textures and materials used in the object. And there is one big section that determines what is actually drawn. In that section triangles are defined using the vertices for example. When drawing the object the scenery engine has to read this entire section from start to end, as conditions and jumps can be just in it to control what is actually drawn. Besides this there are also some sections for animations, attachpoints, etc but I will not consider these in detail here.

In the new FsX format still has lists of vertices, materials and textures. But there is no longer one big section that draws the object. It has been replaced by a couple of sections that for example defined a list of triangles and a list of object parts. So each object part uses a certain material and has a number of triangles related to it. These triangles are linked to the vertices that define them.

As you might already understand now, this structure is less flexible. The part lists are part of the LOD section, so you can define different parts for different LOD levels. But it seems no longer possible to add other conditions or jumps, to for example only show your objects during winter. I can understand that MS has chosen this new structure, as the more rigid structure makes it a lot easier to optimize the scenery engine to draw them. There are no surprises anymore because a designer has added a weird jump or complex condition somewhere.

The downside of this seems to be that we have lost the ability to make objects like docking systems that require conditions and jumps for the correct display or the ability to show different textures for each seasons.

As FsX is still very new, we might find a way to get past these problems later on. But for the moment it seems we are limited to making less complex objects (feature wise of course, I am not talking about the amount of polygons here).

Library Creator XML 2.0 alpha

I have made an alpha version of the new Library Creator XML version 2.0 available at the FsDeveloper forums. So if you want a GUI to create your FsX object libraries, give it a try! And as it still is an alpha version I can’t promise that it will be bug free.


Scenery Shortcut

Both Owen and Nick blogged about the new Scenery Shortcut tool from Abacus in the last days. I must say that personally I don’t really get all the enthousiasm about this tool, as it does not seem to really add something new that you can’t do with the Mission Object Placement tool already.

You can already save your scenery from the Object Placement tool directly. Just use the “Save scenery” button and that will generate a XML file that can be compiled with BGLComp into a BGL scenery file you can use in your scenery. So all you have to do outside the Object Placement tool is compiling the BGL file.

I can understand that for some people compiling a XML file into a BGL file can be difficult, that is why I made my CompilerHelper tool in the past as well. So if you have trouble doing that yourself, maybe Scenery Shortcut is a useful tool for you. But I find a 30 MB download a bit big, for a tool that only does that. So I wonder what else you get for those 30 MB….


Library Creator XML 2.0

Today I started coding on the update to make Library Creator XML fully compatible with FsX. Or actually I should say that I started with this new version from scratch, using C# this time. As Library Creator is not a very complex tool, I have been able to get a lot done in just one day. And this was also a good exercise in making a GUI with C# (and I can say I like it a lot).

Compared to the current version of Library Creator XML expect the following new features:

  • MDL files will be checked to see if they are valid (this also allows checking if they are for Fs2004 or for FsX)
  • For FsX MDL files the GUID and friendly name are extracted, so that these can be shown in the GUI. This gives you an easy way to find the GUID of your MDL (looking it up in GMax is not always that easy).
  • The user interface should be even easier to use. I have tried to get rid of all things that were not really needed.

Below you can see a first screenshot. All objects in this screenshot are FsX MDL files, so the name and GUID shown have been extracted from the MDL file. I hope to get a first working alpha version ready later this week and then I will post it on the forums so that people can test it.


ModelConverterX with textures

As I posted some screenshots yesterday of a church in ModelConverterX, I can not held back this new screenshots. I have now been able to load some textures as well.

It will still take some time before this tool can do anything useful, but at least I can now visualize the models that I read in and check if the reading of the MDL file worked OK. That is very useful while I continue to explore the FsX MDL format.

And although I can display some textures now, the performance of loading them should still be improved a lot. If someone knows a way to load DDS/DXT textures directly in C# I would also be happy to hear that. In the past I used the graphics library from Martin Wright for that, but I don’t know if he also has some C# wrappers (mental note to self, ask Martin about that).


Is there a future for ObPlacer XML?

As you might already have read on Nicks blog, we are been playing a bit with the Object Placement Tool that comes with the FsX SDK. While this tool has probably been designed with missions in mind primarily, I think it can become a few powerful and useful tool for scenery designers as well.

The fact that you can place and move your objects from within FsX and that you can just move them around and see the effects instantly makes this a dream for every scenery designer as well. And when you have your own custom object library loaded, you are also able to place objects from them. In the screenshot below you can see how I placed three objects from one of my libraries (this was still a Fs2004 object library, so therefore some polygons show as black).


From within the object placement tool you can save your scenery. This is done as a BGLComp XML file. So if you compile that XML file you will get a BGL to make the placement of your objects permanent.

All these features are very similar to the EZ-Scenery tool of course. But the fact that you get this included with FsX now is great I think. And besides that the ability to move, scale and rotate your objects with the mouse as well makes it quite easy to use (I don’t think EZ-Scenery can do that, but to be honest I have not used EZ-Scenery that much so I could be wrong). 

At the moment the mission object placement tool also has some problems. For example when I load in my objects again after placing them, I do not always see them. In those cases I only see the bounding boxes. And besides that the GUI could be made a little more user friendly as well. Finding objects is quite hard now for example, due to the huge amount of object available to be placed.

But I like the concept of this tool that much, that I don’t know if I am going to update ObPlacer XML for FsX. And if I do, I guess it would be a much better idea to write it in the same form as the mission object placement tool, so as a plugin that runs in FsX.

Is it a gift to annoy people?

Over the last few days I found out that spammers have found a new way to annoy me. This time they are not spamming my blog or my email accounts (well, they are still spamming my email, but not more than usual). I noticed that on the Talk/Discussion pages of the FsDeveloper Wiki they have now started to post links to nonsense stuff.

Most of them don’t show up when you look at the page, but when you start to edit it you see the huge amount of links. I try to delete this stuff, but usually within 30 minutes they are back again. I’ll see how it develops in the next few days, but if the spam does not go away I guess the access to the Wiki needs to be restricted a bit. Like only allowing people who have registered to contribute. But if not needed, I would like to prevent such steps, as the Wiki should be as open to all users as possible. If we make it to hard people will not contribute that fast.

A nice morning GMax session

This morning I was chatting with [Nick] and it turned out that both of us had not been able to use the new FsX GMax gamepack as much as we would like to in the past weeks. So we decided to have a little session right away, while speaking to each other using Skype.

We went over some of the documentation, for example the documentation about the animated jetways and we exchanged some ideas on how we could use that on our own objects. And we also explored the new FlightSimX material type in more detail, to check all the cool options available on it.

But the most concrete result was that we also tested the platforms of the attachtool. Of course these work fine. But now the different types of platforms also work fine, while they did not in Fs2004. So if you set the type to GRAVEL you will see dust behind your aircraft, while there is none if you use the ASPHALT type. And when setting it to ICE you will certainly notice that the platform is more slippery.

In the end we both found it a very useful session, as it is a nice way to explore the new stuff and exchange ideas. Hopefully we have some time soon to do this again and I am sure we will be able to report over some interesting finds then.