I have a list of feature requests for ModelConverterX, some items on this list have a higher priority than others. But as it goes with priorities they sometimes suddenly change a bit. For example I was planning to finish the Ground Polygon Wizard first, by adding support for seasonal textures. But some activities at work meant that the OpenFlight reader, which was almost at the bottom of the list, suddenly got more priority.
So this weekend I started to implement this new reader for ModelConverterX. At the moment I have the basics working, as you can see in the picture below. But this new reader is not yet available in the development release, that’s because I want to test it with more OpenFlight files first. At the moment it works best with OpenFlight files that ModelConverterX created itself. Obviously that is a nice start, but not enough for a functional reader.
So what could you do with this new reader once it is done? You could import OpenFlight files and convert them to FS MDL files. If you are transferring 3D models from another simulation system that uses OpenFlight that might be useful. This is probably mainly interesting for people who are using ESP or Prepar3D for professional purposes.
Hopefully tomorrow I can test this reader with some more objects and once it is robust enough I will make it available in the development release. I’ll keep you informed about the progress.