The last year has been very busy, with the moving to a new house, the renovation of that house and the birth of our second child. But even now that things have become a bit more normal again, I still notice that I have much less time than before.
A few weeks ago our oldest child was staying with my parents for a few days, and suddenly we noticed how much easier it was with only one child at home. There was suddenly a lot more time in the evenings to spend on hobbies and other things.
So it’s just a fact that I’m quite short on time for my flightsim hobbies most of the time. In a typical week I can sit down 2 or 3 times behind my FS development PC for maybe an hour or so (that’s the amount of time I would spend on the hobby per evening before). Luckily I can read the forums from my smartphone as well.
So quite often I think fixing this bug or adding this feature shouldn’t be that much work, I’ll have it done in a few days. But when it’s finally done a month has passed again most of the time. So development is going a bit slower than I would want sometimes and there isn’t always the time to work on the ideas I have in my mind.
Let me be clear, I’m not complaining about this situation. Because I do also enjoy the new activities that I now (have to) do in the time I could spend on flightsim before. It’s great fun to spend time with the children and see how they develop. I just wanted to share this with you, so that you understand better why things sometimes go a bit slower. And hopefully when the children are a bit older, there will be more hobby time again…