
The different tools offered here on are free and will remain free, I produce them as a hobby and because I enjoy it. So no money will be charged for using them.

But if you find them useful and want to show your appreciation by supporting the development of these tools with a small contribution that is always appreciated of course. Using the PayPal button below you can show your support.

105 thoughts on “Support

  1. Bill Ortis says:

    Thanks Arno for making visibilities work in MCX! You are brilliant! This will help all of us airplane guys out that couldnt export models to FSX.


  2. Gordon P Jones says:

    I’ve just started building addon scenery with FSX’s Object Placement Tool. I’m frustrated with the aircraft, or lack thereof, available for parking around my local airport. The only ones that work are a few antiques in the “gen” category. None of the many, more current models in the “prop” category will work. Any suggestions?

    • arno says:


      You probably best ask a question like this on the FSDeveloper forum. In general if you pick the objects from an active object library they should work. The default libraries contain multiple objects.

      The OPT tool is not the most user friendly either. So using a tool like WhisPlacer or Instant Scenery might be easier.


  3. Cleidir Almeida says:

    Hi! I used to work with ModelConverter X but now i can’t, i dont know if is missing something to install, because my ModelConverter X stoped to import objects it used to import and convert normally, please i want you to help me, thank you regards.

  4. juan pablo says:

    tengo problemas con FXEditor , el programa se abre pero en el lado sale una equis roja y no puedo visualizar nada, abre este link para que veas lo que me sale ,por favor ayúdame

    • arno says:


      I’m sorry I can’t understand your question, but looking at the image it seems there is a problem with OpenGL on your computer. FXEditor requires at least OpenGL 2.0 support. So you better check what your graphics drivers support.

  5. Manfred says:

    Hi Arno,

    So happy I found a support button on your site. 🙂

    I hope all scenery creators appreciate how lucky we are to have people like you creating these great utilities.

    Many thanks.

  6. Josh says:

    Hi there; I downloaded Model Converter X recently but I’m having an export problem. First, I build my model in SketchUp. I export that model to a .dae (COLLADA) file. Then I import it into Model Converter X. It shows up just how it should. Then I export to an FSX .bgl file, but it comes up with many different error messages about the compiling phase. I asked about it on all the FSX forums sites, but to no avail. Any help suggestions? Thanks in advance

  7. Juan Fernandez says:

    Hi, I hope You could help me, I downloaded Model Converter X and prepar 3d SDK 1.4 to be able to use Your utilities with FSX STEAM EDITION, but after I convert the collada file (.dae) I only get the texture folder with the .dds textures but the scenery file is empty. could You Help what is that I’m doing wrong?


  8. Rafael says:

    I’d like to suggest to add an option for saving states on the software.

    I mean, it always runs out of memory and crashes. I have 24gb of ram and it does crash every time I try selecting and moving a few animations on the animation editor.

    great tool, thanks

    • arno says:

      What kind of models are you processing then? On my machine it hardly ever runs out of memory.

      You can try to disable the undo function in the options, that saves memory.


  9. Newton says:

    Hi Arno , I try to convert and export scenery from a FS9 bgl to a FSX bgl , MCX generates a bgl without warnings and errors , but it do not appear on FSX or P3D . The xml generated and save , have not any coordinates . What is missing ?

    Thank you .

    • arno says:


      It could be that the BGL is just a library and therefore has no coordinates in there? In that case another BGL file might contain the placement information.


      • Newton says:

        The bgl file is a bgl Fs9 placed using ObplacerXml and is a compiled Gmax object . This object shows on scenery FSX . After MCX compilation to bgl FSX it do not shows on FSX anymore . All similar Gmax objects converted shows the same problem .
        This situation is not true at friend’s PC using the same objects , and is a mystery for us .

        This PC : 3.16 Ghz dual core , 4 GB memory , windows XP

        Saved event log :

        9:30 BGLXReader Information Finished reading of object 1
        9:30 BGLXReader Information Finished reading objects
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Starting generating OpenGL arrays…
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Finished generating OpenGL arrays
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Loaded texture: ..\texture\AFONSOS_ED1.BMP
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Loaded texture: ..\texture\AFONSOS_ED1_LM.BMP
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Loaded texture: ..\texture\APOIOPREDIOS.BMP
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Loaded texture: ..\texture\AFONSOS_ED1.BMP
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Loaded texture: ..\texture\AFONSOS_ED1_LM.BMP
        9:30 ObjectRenderer Information Loaded texture: ..\texture\APOIOPREDIOS.BMP
        9:31 BGLXWriter Information Starting writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX.bgl
        9:31 MDLXWriter Information Starting writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX_0.mdl
        9:31 XWriter Information Starting writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\_MCX_temp.x
        9:31 XWriter Information Finished writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\_MCX_temp.x
        9:31 XtoMDL Information Found output file: C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX_0.mdl
        9:31 XtoMDL Information OutputFile: C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX_0.mdl
        9:31 XtoMDL Information Output file after modification: C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX_0.mdl
        9:31 XtoMDL Information Creating output MDL file: C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX_0.mdl
        9:31 XtoMDL Information CRASHTREE no granularity specified
        9:31 XtoMDL Information CRASHTREE completed in 00:00:00.0312500
        9:31 MDLXWriter Information Finished writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX_0.mdl
        9:31 XMLWriter Information Starting writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX.xml
        9:31 XMLWriter Information Finished writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX.xml
        9:31 BGLCommp Information Parsing document: Afonsos_tanquesFSX.xml
        9:31 BGLCommp Information Parse complete!
        9:31 BGLXWriter Information Finished writing of file C:\Arquivos de programas\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\RioDeJaneiroV9.6X\Scenery\Nova pasta (3)\Afonsos_tanquesFSX.bgl

        The saved xml do not shows coordinates :

        Thanks ,

  10. William says:

    I’m working in a terrain photo-real Scenery and I would like to add lights effects as I faind in effects directory in FSX (.fx files light’s effects for example). Só can you inform what kind of tool I shoyuld use to make it? Many thanks.

  11. Arno,
    This has probably been asked and answered many times by now, but I can’t seem to locate any info about it. I’m creating a model for FSX, P3D and I will use ModelConverterX to import to FSX. Is there a way to make the model secure, as in, nobody can rip it off? I know locks were only made to keep honest people honest but your tool makes it really easy to knock off someone’s hard work.

    • arno says:

      Hi Rick,

      Yes, this has been asked sometimes. And in the past I have tried to add some features to ModelConverterX to try to detect genuine usage versus stealing. But that is almost impossible to do and with those restrictions build in a lot of developers complaint that they couldn’t do their normal genuine work anymore.

      So the answer is no, this can’t be done. The FSX and P3D engine also don’t have build in way to encrypt the content. That’s what would be needed to really get something like this working.


  12. papi says:

    pour votre converter model.x ; il faut multiplier par deux les faces
    donc une face et une deuximème même face … ?pitête retournée ?..

  13. D Cunniffe says:

    Hi Arno

    Can you tell me why I get no agn using the following

    CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|MAP_NAME=nz-shelter-belt-centrelines-topo-150k-SHP|{AC6C00E4-4CB7-4518-82B2-AD2CFCEA0CF4} results = 0

    I also get the same results when I use nz-tree-points-topo-150k.shp

    Here is an example of my vegetation settings

    I get agn for all but not for the nz-shelter-belt-centrelines-topo-150k-SHP and nz-tree-points-topo-150k.shp

    Any help would be much appreciated


  14. Peter Kruesi says:

    Hello Arno

    the Donate PayPal button is missing !

  15. Peter Kruesi says:

    Hello Arno

    Great tool !

    1. Is the aircraft.cfg file taken for data as well ?
    2. We can make visible the CFG points (menu button). Can we edit them as well inside ModelConverterX ? Meaning of differnt colors are = ?

    Sorry could not find inside documentation an answer.
    Best regards

    • arno says:

      In the development release you can. There is an editor to modify the file and the preview is updated automatically.

      Sorry the manual is still for version 1.3 and lacks the new features.


  16. William says:

    I have error when compiling files .mdl and .bgl for P3Dv4 format.
    Produces no files at all…
    I don’t understand what the problem is -all the way up to SDK is spelled correctly in the settings…….but the program writes an error about Microsoft Flight Simulator XtoMDL when I compile files for P3Dv4 .mdl and .bgl
    What could be the problem?Thank you.

    • arno says:


      A DLL file can not be found, it seems related to DirectX. Make sure both DirectX and the SDK are installed correctly.

  17. Gaston says:

    Is there a way to have decimal points instead of decimal commas on my toc file resulting from AF FS2 cultivation from scenproc?

  18. Matthias Ewald says:

    i got a error-message of missing file “mwgfxvb.dll”.
    What can i do?
    Thanks, Matze

  19. Matthias Ewald says:

    Many thanks,
    i found the installer-exe, now it works
    best regards

  20. Norvin Viehweger says:


    I created a ground poly in gmax and exported it as a MdL file. When I import that file in Mcx under Wizard and then Ground Polygon Wizard I hit convert and after a while an error shows up ( all paths are set correctly )

    ,,Unhandled exception has occurred in your Application.”

    What’s the problem?

    Thank you,


  21. Roger Mathez says:

    Hello Arno

    If I install older FSX Airports (example Lugano LSZA) into P3D V4 the ramp and Taxiway will be not shown properly. They are green instead of concret ground. I am not familiar with scenery design.
    In the LSZA scenery Folder is a file named ground.bgl. Probably this contains the ramp etc. I tried to recompile using Jon Masterons tool
    Bglcomp but this tool can not recompile because it says that this file is not compiled with Bglcomp.

    Can you probably offer me a way how to fix such Airport ground Problems to make it suitable for P3D V4 ? I can send you the .bgl from LSZA.
    Many thanks in advance
    Regards Roger

  22. Richard Rhodes says:

    MCX 1.40 09/12/17 – DEV
    Like the way this is moving, object splitting great!
    Output to XPlane OBJ
    VT x,y,z – formatted
    normals and texture are un-formatted.
    Imports ok but looks like a cactus.
    6.666e-06 format not supported by xplane?





  24. Tim Vancauwenbergh says:

    Thanks for the great tool. It makes flight simulation development accessible to everyone! Currently developing a freeware version of Brussels.

  25. Hello Arno,
    your tool “ModelConverterX” is so very nice and useful. I use very often for my tasks. I use it for the most on my Windows10 OS. Lately I tried to install too under Ubuntu Studio 16.04 x86_64 too, but the Wine version I’ve installed on Linux miss Microsoft Visual C++ 2015. Tried to use winetricks, and it miss exactly that MV C++ 2015. I saw some workaround out there, but still no luck. Do you have a real procedure that make it possible to run ModelConverteX into Ubuntu/Debian? Have you ever thought to make a .deb package?

    • arno says:

      Hi, since FS only runs under windows it is designed for windows only. I’m using .NET, so with mono it should run, except for some third party libraries.

  26. Javier Iturralde says:

    Thanks for your aplication Arno!
    still strugling, but getting there! 😉

  27. Christy says:

    Bonjour Arno,

    Merci for ScenProg it’s a great tool. Since 2 days I tear my hair with ScenProg !

    I opened a blog for AFS2 15 days ago. I will post the problem I have with ScenProg on my blog. I started to do the whole of France for AFS2.

    I can not explain the problem here because I need to show you images to help you understand my problem.

    I propose you to come on the blog-forum, on the guest space. I will post a detailed message of the problem, so you can answer me without having to register on the blog. You’ll just put your name Arno.

    the advantage of this exchange on the forum is that the answer to the problem, can thus be used for other users of scenProg.

    Thank you.

  28. mormax says:

    Good morning Arno.
    I create airports for FSX and I have a problem with transparencies in the Model Converter X 1.3 version. When I apply the texture on the object in the simulation I see a gray box that should be transparent. What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks for the reply.

    • arno says:

      Did you use the set default transparent material template to make sure all material settings are OK for transparency? Else FSX will not show it.
      P.S. Version 1.3 is quite old, you better use the development release.

  29. kianoush says:

    I cannot open cfg files even though there was a tutorial of how to edit aircraft functions on youtube in 2015! I really need that feature can you please fix the problem! much appreciated

  30. Luc says:

    I’m trying to export a .bgl file with imported object but I always get an error concerning xmlwriter. Same error in librarycreatorxml.
    “Could not find a part of the path ‘F:\librarycreatorxml_latest_development_release\Fsx-pc\j\FSX-Airports\fsx_eham_rs\FSX_eham_rs\unnamed.xml’.”
    It does however write the .mdl files.
    Any ideas?

  31. laudey1 says:

    I just want to thank you for all the work you have done for the simmers community. I use your tools since FS2004, and it helps me again to convert sceneries from fsx to P3D. You continue to improve your tools, and i have appreciated the improvements made to MCX in the last days.
    I hope that your tools may be adapted to the new FS2020 to help us to build the local airports that will not be in the official version.
    Many many thanks !

  32. Andrew says:

    Hi! Thanks for making ModelConverterX. For me it is the best and most comprehensive utility for our virtual flight environment. I have had some difficulties with creating MDL object libraries when compiling and placing them in scenarios. The XML compiles perfectly but the objects do not appear, etc. I would like to have a Modelconverterx Assistant that will take a list of MDL objects and create the corresponding BGLs located on the stage. Of course taking the coordinates entered in some file, or from the same pleasure XML decompiled previously. At least for me, a batch conversion and location utility would be great. Thank you thousands and have health and life!

  33. Roland Berger says:

    Dear MDLX Team

    I have 3 conversion questions and hope to get your precious advise

    1.) Flicker in VC
    On some planes FS2004/MDL8–>P3D/PV20MDLH I get a flicker in VC- attached you can see from the aeroworx B200.
    If I delete the $panel layers they are usually gone–>but then no more gauges

    2.)Animation anomality
    All works relatively well.But if you for example turn right- full- aileron will still work, but visibly flicker and move to neutral.left side turn will not have that effect
    Same Rudder or elevator

    3.)Panle background transparency
    What do I alter to get the Panel bitmap part, exceeding the cockpit transparent

    Many thanhs in advance for help

    Best regards


    Could send example pictures for 1.) and 3.) too

  34. Jan Claus says:

    Since I updated to ModelconverterX 1.5 I no longer get a preview image on the preview screen.
    The program seems to load properly,
    9:08 AM BGLXReader Information Starting reading of file E:\Airports Working\Fort Myers Buckingham Field FL59\A-1\Sketchup\fl59_a-1\fl59_a-1.bgl
    9:08 AM BGLXReader Information Read 1 object models, 0 object placements, 0 effect placements

    A warning icon appears at the bottom left of the screen.
    ATT COR CUR COR “Unrestricted animation export”.

    Anyone have any idea what is going on?

    Jan Claus

    • arno says:

      Hi, does it help if you enable the simple shader? And what kind of graphics card does your computer have?

  35. LeLoup says:

    Hello Arno,
    I cannot open an account in the forum because the captcha “AsoboStudio” failed and I get no access.

    After doing the captcha an pressing “Enter” I get a frozen screen.

    I like to place my question as a new user of your MCX [last developer emission] in the right corner of MCX .

    So, please help me to register in the forum.


    Wolfgang [aka LeLoup]

  36. vicky says:

    I have recently downloaded MCX and tried to convert sketchup model for XPLANE I have 3 texture 512×512, 256x 512, 64×64 instead of combining it into 1 texture MCX make 4 texture !!!!. Can anyone please help me I am stuck now, I was very excited when I found this tool, I have also donated

    • arno says:


      How textures are combined also depends on their mapping. For example if the texture is tiled, combining it in one sheet is not simply a matter to putting them in one sheet. But without seeing the model it is hard to see what is going on. Maybe you can post your question on the MCX forum on It’s easier to discuss things there than here in blog comments.

  37. Yuri Parker says:

    Hello. Would anyone know if they will be making a Airprot scenery for KIWA for Mesa Gateway Airprot for p3d v 5? I know there is one out for fsx and p3d. I mean like a real detailed one like a good real one. I think people would buy it. Just wondering.

  38. Amirhossein says:

    Hi Arno

    I was Trying to Load DAE / KMZ files and Showing a Error Log :

    9:47 AM AssimpReader Error Error loading unmanaged library from path: assimp.dll

    The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

    I dont have assimp.dll / assimp64.dll too. Where i can to Find ? and how to Fix this Problem ?

    • arno says:

      The assimp library is part of the MCX distribution. The file is in the x86 or x64 subfolder.
      Which version of MCX do you try to run?

      • Amirhossein says:

        Yes i found it in folder. i using Latest version
        I got a new error log :

        7:55 AM AssimpReader Error Error loading unmanaged library from path: C:\Users\Amirhossein\Downloads\ModelConverterX_140\assimp.dll

        is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)

        • Amirhossein says:

          8:07 AM AssimpReader Error Error loading unmanaged library from path: assimp.dll

          The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

          Its Last Log

        • arno says:


          The assimp.dll file should be in a subfolder x86 or x64, f you have it in the MCX root folder I think something went wrong when you extracted the ZIP file. You now probably have the 32 and 64 bit version mixed, so that the wrong one is loaded. I would suggest that you install MCX again and make sure you keep the folder structure that is in the ZIP file.


  39. Igor Baralt says:

    La ulltima version del MCX solo me visualiza la textura bump o normal si activo la propiedad de “Is PBR Material” .true.

    • arno says:


      Let me check. I did load a standard FSX model here and I am indeed not 100% sure the bump map is shown correctly.

  40. Mark W. Donaldson says:


    Just a real quick note. I’m just a hobbyist, a radio announcer by profession. My FSX was laying dormant on my computer for years, and I started playing with it a year or so ago, but when I discovered you could add aircraft (free or otherwise) and get into the nuts and bolts of it, a whole new world was opened to me. Now I’m not an aeronautical engineer and learning the lingo, xml, textures, etc., has been extremely challenging for me, but I’m slowly learning. I still get lost in the language and syntax, but I’m learning. I’m not a developer in the technical sense of the word, but I DO want to configure FSX to do what I want it to do for my personal enjoyment. Your videos and this website and wonderful tools have been such an enormous help, particularly to a guy who really has to look at this stuff 2 or 3 times to get it. And a LOT of mistakes…but I love this website! Just wanted to share. Mark

  41. Jan Bleiss says:

    Thank you for this Swiss-Knife-Software. It saved me a lot of time to regenerate sources of my 20 year old FS2004-scenery-stuff. The objects will get a new life in a train simulator!

  42. Juuso says:

    I have to change model parts in blender. When I import that model to mcx all animations are gone. How I should keep them?

    I tried to export animations (anim.exporter) I got error which says could not locate anim_0…

    I’m using P3D v5

  43. Juuso says:

    Using blender p3d plugin and export my model with that. File is .x and MDL.

    If I load default plane like mooney bravo to mcx and export that model to my desktop in .dae. I import that to blender and making changes to wing. When I ready I create guid, friendlyname. Then I export that from blender to x and mdl file.
    Then I load it from blender and animations aren’t there anymore.

    Second problem, when I change modelxml text in mcx and close that window. Then I open it again and my text aren’t saved.

    • arno says:

      MCX can not export the animations to a format like DAE, so that means they are never loaded in. Blender and if you export the model again there will be no animations there.

      The changes in the modeldef.xml are stored when you export to mdl again. On import of the mdl they are read from the mdl file.

  44. Lee Cley says:


    I identified that the MCX is not supporting the windshield material, when I pass the gltf through the MCX in order to create the LODS, it eliminates the material, would it be possible to include this material in the MCX?

    • arno says:


      Are you using the latest development reelase of MCX? The WindShield material should be supported. If you think it is lost on import, can you provide me a sample model that has issues.


      • Lee Cley says:

        Hello Arno!

        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I had a lot of work!!

        the same file is attached, one saved by blender and the windshield is working, the other after converting by MCX the function disappears!!

        I identified another problem in version 1.51 when converting the textures, the MCX is not making them 4×4 and it keeps the original dimensions of the texture!

        • arno says:

          Thanks, I’ll have a look at the file (sorry for the late reply, I missed your comment).

          MCX does never automatically make textures multiples of 4, that is something you need to do manually. The only exception is when writing as MSFS package with the textures included.

          Also, MCX 1.5 is not the latest version, for best MSFS support use version 1.6, the development release.

  45. Lee Cley says:

    Hello guy

    Dude, everything is perfect, just one request:
    Would it be possible to put the file size in MATERIAL EDITOR/TEXTURE?

    today we have “Name – Dimension – Format”

    look like this “Name – Size – Dimension – Format”

    As always, thank you very much for your time in providing us with this tool!

  46. Wulf Bindewasld says:

    Hi there, I am using MCX, current vers 23.09.2023, as a tool to create complexe objects from the scratch for my FSX simulator.

    – Editing Vertices….
    How to change a texture A to B from one (or one group) of many polygons within ONE ModelPart? For me it is not possible to cancel single or even grouped vertices, although the editor allows to delete lines. As a workaround I use the “shout-out-method” (e.g. define identical coordinates 1,1,1 from vertices to be deleted) and the chosen vertices disappear after saving as expected, because MCX recognizes and elliminates these vertices due to an unacceptable geometry. Then I separately define the missing model part with texture B and merge. This vertex deletion method sounds “unusual”. I´m aware that a vertice deletion from further bounded polygons will destroy adjacent polygons – to be checked at first and avoided. Any better method available?


    • arno says:


      MCX has no way to alter the texture on certain polygons within a model part. The material and texture is set for the entire part.

      There is also no way to delete vertices in the vertex editor. The way you found where they are merged on export might do the trick, but it was never intended to be able to remove vertices in that editor.

  47. Wulf Bindewald says:

    thanks for your reply,

    another finding, MCX from 23.09.2023:

    – Move object:
    If I open the Vertex Editor in the Hierarchy Editor at first from any ModelPart and MOVE using the “transform object”-menu, then the coordinates in the still opened Vertex Editor will be automatically changed but into the opposite direction.
    A new opened Vertex Editor table shows the right coordinates. I recommend to show correct values already in the still opened Vertex Editor table.

    – Rotate, Scale object:
    The opened Vertex Editor shows before and after transformation always identical and correct values.


  48. fernando says:

    good day!!
    I want to make a query, I am trying to open an fs9 model in MCX but when I try to import it, an error appears and the model does not open. Could someone tell me what could be happening?

    thank you

  49. Paulo Sergio Domingos Hernandes says:

    hi.. where i can find fs2024 xml texture file ?

    • arno says:

      Not sure if I understand your question. Do you mean the XML file with meta data that MSFS 2024 uses? If you export a MSFS package from MCC these files are written in the texture folder automatically.

      • Paulo Sergio Domingos Hernandes says:

        Yes, but i need to export an object, not a scenery.

        • arno says:

          In the material editor you can enable the option to save the XML files when you save the textures there. So that way you can create them for a single object.

  50. Paulo Sergio Domingos Hernandes says:

    Hi. The fs2024 object are desappearing with distance. Low distance. Can you help me. Thanks

  51. Lee Cley says:

    Hello Guy!
    When I update MCX to this latest version it stops opening, the prompt window just flashes and doesn’t open, I tried everything and it didn’t work, I hope I’m the only one with this bug, but here’s a tip!!

    • arno says:

      Did you check if you have .NET 8.0 installed on your computer? The latest version targets a different .NET version than the versions before.

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