scenProc 2.0 stable released!

I have just released a new stable release of scenProc, this new stable release is version 2.0. It has the same functionalities as yesterdays development release. You can find the download links on the scenProc page. The main reason to release this new stable release now, is that the version 3.0 development release is just […]

Funny walks

I’m updating the Assimp library that ModelConverterX uses to a recent version and in the process I am also trying to read skin and bones animations from other formats using this new version. I don’t think I have it all right yet, but this video was too funny not to share with you. It directly […]

Best wishes!

Cough, cough, man this blog is dusty. I haven’t written here for much too long. I would like to wish all the users of my tools the best wishes for the holiday season and for 2020! I am working on a new update for ModelConverterX that adds support for additional formats. The screenshot below shows […]

Seasonal textures in MCX

At the moment the Ground Polygon Wizard in MCX only supports seasonal textures when you export using the FS2002 style code. But inspired by this thread on FSDeveloper I have started now to add support for seasonal textures to P3D v4 MDL files as well. I have some success already with using visibility conditions to […]

Editing animations and transformations

The latest development release of ModelConverterX adds new functionalities to the hierarchy editor. With them you can edit animations and transformations in your model and add new animations and transformations as well. In this video tutorial I demonstrate how it works: I hope this new functionality makes it easier to tweak your models. If you […]

Condition variable options

Many scenery and aircraft objects contain some conditional code. For example a bit of the object that is only shown when certain conditions are met. To be able to process such conditions on import of pre-FSX objects MCX needs to know what the value of the variables in these conditions is. So when such conditions […]

CreateXMLLibObj changes

In the next development release of scenProc there is a change to the CreateXMLLibObj step, it has some extra attributes. This means that you will have to update your scripts to work in the latest version. Before the step had the following attributes: filter guid heading attribute heading offset altitude optional options In the new […]