Tonight was the night. We had our first LiveMeeting about scenery design for FS. As a subject for this first meeting we had chosen the MDL Tweaker II tool. Mainly because it is a new and interested tool that we wanted to show more about. And also because it was an easy enough subject for […]
AGNIS/PAPA docking system
Today (or actually I should say last night I think), I finally found the time to finish the AGNIS/PAPA docking system I was working on. For those not familair with this system, it contains of two unit. One is the azimuth display that shows if the pilot is lined up with the leadin line correctly. […]
LiveMeeting – part 2
About a week of two ago, Nick and I played a little bit with Microsoft Office LiveMeeting. Back then we saw a potential to use this technique for some online, interactive tutorials as well. So tonight we did another test and this time Thorsten joined in as well to see how well everything worked from […]
Log it!
There is a new feature in the latest MDL Tweaker II release that I did not yet point out. This new feature is the event log screen. When there is a warning or an error this will be the place to look for the message. The image above shows three warnings for missing textures. So […]
Complex conditions
Last weekend I released a new version of MDL Tweaker II and in this blog post I want to point out a few of the improvements of this version. The feature that has been improved most is the condition manager. Not only has the user interface changed, hopefully it is even easier to use now, […]
Tool updating time
It was last friday that I had a nice chat with Nick once again (had been some time ago) and in the process we came to talk about MDL Tweaker as well. It seemed that Nick had not seen the latest beta version of that tool yet, so while chatting Nick started to test this […]
GMax, FSDS3 and MakeMDL
With both GMax and FSDS3 now using MakeMDL to create the scenery MDL object, you would expect that the resulting code of these objects would be very similar, but while testing the output of both programs with some of my tools, it appears that this is not really the case. Let me start by saying […]
Some more animation tricks
To some of you it might seem that I only hang around forums and create new tools, but sometimes I also work on some actual scenery. I do that as part of the NL2000 team. For the Schiphol scenery I have been working on the animated gates the last week and this gave me a […]
Time for a user manual
Tonight I have been working on MDL Tweaker II again. I have finished the vertex list dialog, that allows you to alter vertices of your object and also provides an option to “normalize” the normal vectors of the vertices. This last option is useful if you want to make objects that do not change color […]
CAT is "fixed"
The CAT headache is solved for now, as I have released a new version. As I already wrote about before, this new version does also support the ASM source files created with FSDS3. Although both GMax and FSDS3 use MakeMDL to export and create the ASM file, there was a little structure difference. I have […]