As you might already have read on Nicks blog, we are been playing a bit with the Object Placement Tool that comes with the FsX SDK. While this tool has probably been designed with missions in mind primarily, I think it can become a few powerful and useful tool for scenery designers as well. The […]
Progress for today
As the screenshot of the new tool I posted earlier today is not that nice looking with all those weird colors, I thought it would be nice to post another one now at the end of my day to show you how far I have gotten. As you can see the weird colors are […]
Working on a new tool
The last few days I have been working on a new tool, it will be called ModelConverterX. In the end the purpose of this tool will be to allow you to convert 3D objects between different formats, for example loading old API macros and saving them again as FsX MDL objects. But I still have […]
Randomize it!
I have added a little new feature to ObPlacer XML. While finishing some general aviation airports for the [NL2000] scenery I was planting trees with ObPlacer XML and I noticed that the resulting scenery was a bit boring with all trees having the same size. So I decided to add a little option that allows […]
Lazy LOD
As I already mentioned in my previous post I have been working hard on a scenery of Schiphol airport recently. As this is quite a big airport and we tried to make it detailed as well, we ended up with a lot of objects. Unfortunately this did not improve the performance a lot. In the […]
I can’t see more gates anymore
Finally I have the time again to make a more serious blog post here. You might be wondering what I have been up to lately? It has been mainly the [NL2000] scenery project that kept me busy. We are currently finishing the beta version of our next release and for the scenery of Schiphol airport […]
My tools in FsX
With the release of FsX coming closer now, I think it is time to give a little bit of information about how my tools will (or will not) work together with this new version. Please note that these observations are based on the beta version, so some things might still change a bit. Library Creator […]
ObPlacer XML and Rwy12 object libraries
After the release of EZ-Scenery, I have made a few posts on this blog about the object library mania that occured back then. As people tried to convert Rwy12 library into EZ-Scenery libraries, while they are actually almost the same (only the way the information about the library is read into the tool is different). […]
A slow MDL Tweaker
About a week ago I received a message on the forum that MDL Tweaker crashed on a certain object. After the designer of the object send me his MDL file, I soon figured out why it crashed. This was simply the most complex object I had ever tried to load into MDL Tweaker and a […]
CompileHelper – fixed
Four days ago I wrote about CompileHelper and while making the screenshots for that post I found a new bug in the tool as well. I have now solved this problem and the new version is available for download.