Lazy LOD

As I already mentioned in my previous post I have been working hard on a scenery of Schiphol airport recently. As this is quite a big airport and we tried to make it detailed as well, we ended up with a lot of objects. Unfortunately this did not improve the performance a lot. In the […]

My tools in FsX

With the release of FsX coming closer now, I think it is time to give a little bit of information about how my tools will (or will not) work together with this new version. Please note that these observations are based on the beta version, so some things might still change a bit. Library Creator […]

A slow MDL Tweaker

About a week ago I received a message on the forum that MDL Tweaker crashed on a certain object. After the designer of the object send me his MDL file, I soon figured out why it crashed. This was simply the most complex object I had ever tried to load into MDL Tweaker and a […]

AGNIS/PAPA docking system

Today (or actually I should say last night I think), I finally found the time to finish the AGNIS/PAPA docking system I was working on. For those not familair with this system, it contains of two unit. One is the azimuth display that shows if the pilot is lined up with the leadin line correctly. […]

Log it!

There is a new feature in the latest MDL Tweaker II release that I did not yet point out. This new feature is the event log screen. When there is a warning or an error this will be the place to look for the message. The image above shows three warnings for missing textures. So […]