I have just uploaded a new build of Library Creator XML 2.0 alpha to the forums. In this latest build I have added back most of the functions that are available in the 1.0 version. Only the Rwy12 export is still missing, I will try to add that again in the next build. But I […]
Still alive
I know I have not posted that much lately on my blog, but I am still alive. Unfortunately I did not have that much time the last weeks to explore the nice things I want to post about, but that seems to be changing again now. Last weekend I finished a new build of Library […]
Slooooooooow compilation
In my last blog post I mentioned that the new [FwTools] version had solved most of the problems I had with my markings compiler. That is true, but it also turned out that the speed of the compiler had not improved. Let me take the center lines of Schiphol airport as an example. I finally […]
New FwTools version solves some of my trouble
In the past I have already written about the markings I was working on for the Schiphol scenery and at the moment I am finalizing them. The tool I made to convert the lines of these markings into polygons uses [OGR] as I wrote about in that earlier post as well. This week I updated […]
The FsX MDL format
On the FsDeveloper Wiki I have added a page that describes (part of) the FsX MDL format. At the moment mainly the sections involved in a simple scenery object are covered, as that is the part I mainly looked at for the ModelConverterX tool until now. Hopefully this page is useful to other programmers as […]
Library Creator XML 2.0
Today I started coding on the update to make Library Creator XML fully compatible with FsX. Or actually I should say that I started with this new version from scratch, using C# this time. As Library Creator is not a very complex tool, I have been able to get a lot done in just one […]
ModelConverterX with textures
As I posted some screenshots yesterday of a church in ModelConverterX, I can not held back this new screenshots. I have now been able to load some textures as well. It will still take some time before this tool can do anything useful, but at least I can now visualize the models that I read […]
Is there a future for ObPlacer XML?
As you might already have read on Nicks blog, we are been playing a bit with the Object Placement Tool that comes with the FsX SDK. While this tool has probably been designed with missions in mind primarily, I think it can become a few powerful and useful tool for scenery designers as well. The […]
Progress for today
As the screenshot of the new tool I posted earlier today is not that nice looking with all those weird colors, I thought it would be nice to post another one now at the end of my day to show you how far I have gotten. As you can see the weird colors are […]
Working on a new tool
The last few days I have been working on a new tool, it will be called ModelConverterX. In the end the purpose of this tool will be to allow you to convert 3D objects between different formats, for example loading old API macros and saving them again as FsX MDL objects. But I still have […]