Oops a bug

In the most recent development build of ModelConverterX a nasty bug has been fixed, so if you have downloaded it a few days ago, please update again. There was a bug in the FSX materials, which I updated about a week ago. Due to this bug all your objects will appear black in FSX. With […]

A new Material Editor GUI

Before I already wrote that I was working on adding more of the FSX specific options to the ModelConverterX materials. This is almost done, only adding good descriptions for in the Material Editor description area is not completely done. But while working on this, I decided that the whole Material Editor GUI could use a […]

FSX material settings

Over the last days I have been working on extending the material settings supported by ModelConverterX. I have now come to the point that all of the specific settings that you can make with a FlightSimX material can be edited with ModelConverterX as welll. If you download the latest development build you can try it […]