Yesterday I already wrote about the OpenFlight reader for ModelConverterX. Today I have been testing this new reader with some additional models and I have just added the functionality to the development release. So from tomorrow you can give it a try. Besides the models I exported from ModelConverterX itself, I also tried it with […]
OpenFlight reader
I have a list of feature requests for ModelConverterX, some items on this list have a higher priority than others. But as it goes with priorities they sometimes suddenly change a bit. For example I was planning to finish the Ground Polygon Wizard first, by adding support for seasonal textures. But some activities at work […]
Ground Polygon Wizard: shadow bug – a partial fix
In the next development release of ModelConverterX the ground polygon wizard as a new option: Prevent autogen suppresion. When you check this option the file will have the tweak to keep your autogen around the airport. However there is a bug in this tweak that it will result in flickering shadows. So if your shadows […]
Ground Polygon Wizard: shadow bug
Oops, I forgot to test the output of the ground polygon wizard in FSX with the shadow option for scenery buildings on. And you know what, there is still a bug in the output that does not display the shadow correctly. I will try to fix this issue soon, but for now you are warned.
Ground Polygon Wizard and non ground polygons
A user reported that the ground polygon wizard of ModelConverterX lost some of his polygons while converting them. When I was debugging this issue, I found out that this was because the polygons were not actually on the ground. They were a few centimeters above the ground. The code that makes sure the polygons are sliced correctly […]
Autogen suppression
In the previous post about the ground polygon wizard of ModelConverterX I already mentioned that the tool also helps to prevent the exclusion of autogen by your ground polygons. I forgot to post some screenshots to illustrate this with that post, so here they are. They show Gilze Rijen airport in the Netherlands as developed […]
Ground Polygon Wizard available
I have just released a new version of ModelConverterX. The big change in this new release is that the ground polygon wizard is now included. Before I will go into the details of how to use this wizard, let’s first take a look at the problems it is trying to solve. When creating ground polygons […]
Leaking memory
Tonight I have been doing some memory leak hunting in ModelConverterX. I have found (and fixed) a few leaks in the 3D preview of the objects. So from the next development release you should see less memory being used, especially when you make changes in the material editor. Also when browsing through object libraries or […]
Ground polygons and autogen
Just before my vacation I already posted about the ground polygons wizard for ModelConverterX. Since then I have been working more on this feature and it is almost ready for inclusion in the development release. This wizard allows you to export your ground polygons without the FS2002 GMax gamepack, ModelConverterX will take care of converting […]
Some bad news and some good news (and some more bad news)
Let me start with the bad news, I have decided to stop the development of gPoly for the moment. It seems developing two tools, ModelConverterX and gPoly, at the same time does not work that well. I don’t have enough time available to turn gPoly into a stable and usable tool at the moment. Maybe in the […]