I have made a new video tutorial. In this tutorial I demonstrate how you can use the new material editor to optimize a model. The optimize tab and the drawcall minimizer are demonstrated.
Material editor and saving textures
Until now the material editor would save a new texture directly for every change you made. So for example renaming the texture or changing the size. When doing multiple operations in a row that resulted in many textures in the texture folder that were not used in the end. And for the user there was […]
Drawcall minimizer and repeating textures
Tomorrows development release will contain a couple of improvements to the drawcall minimizer functionality. The main improvement is that you can now also minimize textures that are repeating. ModelConverterX will repeat those textures for you, before inserting them into the combined texture sheet. As you can see in the image below, there is a checkbox […]
Match texture function fixed
I have just fixed the match texture function in the material editor. Since the new material editor was introduced this function was broken, but it is working again. With this function you can look for the same texture, with a different name in the specified texture folder. I hope to finalize the new material editor in the next couple […]
Merge objects
I have added a new function to ModelConverterX, you can now merge objects. After you bring up the form there are a couple of things you can do: You can specify the LOD that should be used for the model you are importing. So this allows you to import another model as a lower level […]
Specular and fresnel effects in preview
The next development release of ModelConverterX contains improvements to the rendering of the object in the preview. The two biggest changes are that the specular hotspot and the fresnel effects are now shown in the preview as well. I am not convinced that the fresnel effect is exactly like in FSX, but I think it […]
Classify building footprints
I have been adding more built-in attributes to scenProc recently, to allow you to classify buidling footprints in different types. Then for each type you can make different kind of autogen. This work is not yet finished, but in this blog post I want to show what you can do already now. Please read the […]
Built-in help
In the last two days I have made scenProc a little more robust. Before any mistake in the configuration file would usually result in a crash of the entire tool. That has been changed now. The tool will now check if you provided the right amount of parameters and give a warning when that is […]
User interface change
I have changed the main user interface of ModelConverterX a bit, actually it has gone back to some of the concepts that the tool used in 2008 already. I did remove the tabs that were used for the preview, event log and options. Instead of those tabs the options are now on a separate form, […]
Problem reporting
user: He, your tool does not work. me: What do you mean? What are you trying to do and what goes wrong? user: When I import my object it crashes. You need to help me, I have to convert this object. me: What is the error message you get at the crash? Can you maybe […]