RADItor update

When I updated my tools to be Prepar3D v2 compliant there was one tool that I forgot, RADItor. RADItor is a small tool that is mainly used by aircraft developers to edit the radius and bounding box values of a MDL file. Sometimes these values need to be tuned for the aircraft to display correctly […]

Subtracting features

One of the issues with creating autogen is that vegetation polygons might suppress buildings. When the vegetation overlaps the building the building will not be shown. This can be a bit annoying, since you would like the building to suppress the vegetation normally. To work around this problem I have added a new step to […]

scenProc manual

From now on you will find a PDF manual inside the scenProc downloads. At the moment not all sections of the manual are finished, but I will try to complete it as soon as possible. With all the recent changes to scenProc and with some of the functions being quite complex, I think it is […]

Different scenProc download links

A few weeks ago I made two versions of scenProc available on the development releases page. One for 32 bit operating systems and one for 64 bit operating systems. Since both of these files are rather big, due to the inclusion of all the GDAL/OGR libraries, it means that downloading an updated version can take […]

Import resample configuration

The scenProc IMPORTGDAL step to import imagery data assumes that the imagery you use is georeferenced in some way. So for example as GeoTIFF or as BMP file with an accompanying world file. But that is not always the case of course. Some developers use unreferenced images and provide the needed coordinates in the INF […]

Detect features, holes and performance

The scenProc feature to detect holes from imagery often returns polygons with holes, especially in area with dense forests and some clearings in the forest. When the ProcessHoles option is set to true the holes will be processed for the output of the detect feature step as well. But I have to give a warning, […]

Autogen statistics

After all the recent experimentation with running scenProc in batch mode I was curious how many autogen objects I had created in the end. So I made a little tool that will count the objects in a folder full of AGN files. This tool I called agnstats and will come with the next agntools development […]

scenProc batch processing

When you want to process bigger quantities of data with scenProc the graphical user interface is not always the easiest way to do this. In that case it is much easier if you can call scenProc from a script, for example a batch file. This is already possible for a while, but yesterday I have […]

I need 6 seasons!

I guess you learned at school that there are 4 seasons in each year. But when you start making scenery for Flight Simulator you will see that FS actually has 5 seasons. Besides the usual seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter, FS also has a heavy winter season. This means winter with snow actually. So […]