Hierarchy editor improvements

Last week I made two changes to the hierarchy editor: You can now drag nodes in the hierarchy editor, so that you can give them another parent node. This can be used to animate attachpoints. You can specify a NoCrash option per modelpart now, this way certain parts can be excluded from the crash box […]

Prepar3D v4 MDL support

In my previous post about Prepar3D v4 support of my tools I mentioned that the MDL format didn’t seem to contain many changes. On further investigation it turned out that there are a number of changes and new sections in the MDL format. These are related to the following new functionalities: Support for a second […]

Scene Builder Wizard

In the latest development release you will find a new wizard, the Scene Builder Wizard. With this feature you can build one scene (object) from a set of FS library objects and their placement. With this information ModelConverterX will generate a combined scene that contains all these objects at the right positions. This might be […]

Reverse earth curve correction

The latest ModelConverterX development release contains a new feature that you can also do a reverse earth curve correction. In the previous versions you could already correct your model for the FSX curved earth, but with this new feature you can also undo such a correction again. Besides that the Coordinate Converter tool can now […]

scenProc feature roadmap

The end of 2016 is fast approaching, so it’s the time of the year to look back a bit on the last year and look ahead a bit to 2017 as well. For scenProc the last year has been very exiting, with a lot of ideas I had in my head coming to life. But […]

Support for more formats

Over the last year I have been putting most of my focus on new scenProc features, so ModelConverterX did receive less updates than usual. But now that the end of the year is approaching I do have some new features for ModelConverterX for you as well. Let’s say this is my Christmas gift to all […]

scenProc filter bug

I have fixed the scenProc filter bug that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Objects without an attribute were sometimes included in the results for double or integer attribute types. That behaviour has been fixed now. While fixing it one new issue appeared though. The filter validation now doesn’t throw an error anymore when […]

GUID selection context menu

In scenProc the code completion will help you to select the right GUIDs for your vegetation or buidlings. But if you are not sure what the name of the class is or if you want to add multiple guids for random placement, that’s not always the easiest way. So I have now added a context […]