ASToFra libraries for developers

The libraries that are used in my tools, like ModelConverterX and scenProc, are called the ASToFra libraries. Which standards for Arno’s Scenery Tool Framework. Other developers are sometimes using these libraries in their (freeware) tools as well, for example to have a 3D preview of Flight Simulator objects. Until now these developers needed to pull […]

MSFS 2024 materials

The latest development release of ModelConverterX includes support for MSFS 2024 materials. Based on the information in the SDK (schema’s, Blender scripts, …) I have tried to implement all new material options and also the schema’s that have changed since MSFS 2020. The information in the schema’s and SDK did not always align, so I […]

New development releases

With the ModelConverterX 1.7 and scenProc 3.2 stable releases officially released, I have changed the version number of the development releases to ModelConverterX 1.8 and scenProc 3.3. So from now on I will be adding new functionalities and bug fixes to these development releases. For ModelConverterX I will start to add support for MSFS 2024 […]

scenProc 3.2 stable release

I have just made the new scenProc stable release version 3.2 available. Compared to the previous stable release the main improvements are: Besides that a lot of minor bugs have also been fixed. So I would suggest everybody to use this release for now if you are on the stable release. Another change is that […]