Upcoming stable releases

I will be releasing a new stable version of ModelConverterX and scenProc in the next few weeks.The reason behind these new releases is twofold. On one hand over the last months there have been many improvements to the tools, mainly in the area of performance. So it is worthwhile to have those improvements in the […]

Configuration files

For many years I have been using the standard .NET settings files to store the configuration options in my tools. But this week I learned that the way I was using them was not really the most efficient way. This resulted in performance and stability issues. So therefore in the current development release I have […]

3D buildings in scenProc

Creating autogen buildings with scenProc is quite easy. But the autogen buildings also do have some drawbacks, mainly the fact that they need to be rectangular. Therefore it has been on the scenProc wishlist for quite a while already to be able to create MDL buildings for footprints that are hard to represent with autogen. […]

scenProc autogen building bug

This week I have fixed a bug in scenProc that could result in autogen buildings showing incorrectly in Prepar3D. This especially affects buildings that are oriented exactly north-south or east-west. They would show with a roof of the correct size, but with the walls too small, like in the image below. This bug has been […]

Bug reporting broken

I was quite happy the last few weeks that hardly any crashes were reported in my bug tracker from my tools. But today I found out why, the bug reporting is actually broken at the moment. It seems the interface into the bugtracker does not like the newer PHP version that i had to enable […]

Autogen object size distortion

That autogen objects have a distortion in their rotation is something we found out 6 years ago already. But until recently I was not aware that not only the rotation of the objects is distorted, also their sizes can be different then you would expect from looking at the objects in the Annotator tool. I […]

New steps to place points

The next development release of scenProc will include two new steps for placing points: LineToPoint and PolygonToPoint. In the future these steps will replace the existing steps to place points along lines or inside polygons. As i realise some of these steps are used in many of your scripts, I will not deprecate the old […]