Tree detection

One of the first problems I encountered when I tried to make autogen for Nantucket is the lack of vector data for the vegetation. OpenStreetMap contains hardly any vegetation and also the GIS department of Massachusetts has not much usable data. So therefore I started to experiment with detecting the vegetation in the imagery.  And […]

scenProc crashes should be fixed

A little while ago I changed how the autogen configuration is read into scenProc. This change resulted in some unexpected crashes for some users. These seemed to happen mainly when FSX was installed within the Program Files folder and Windows did not give the right permission to read the files. I have now made the […]

scenProc and error reporting

Let me start by saying that the recent scenProc releases might be a little less robust. Some users are reporting crashes since I made the change to read the FSX autogen configuration from the FSX installation folder, instead of the SDK. To help me to figure out what goes wrong, because as a developer would […]

scenProc and autogen configuration

From the next development release scenProc will read the autogen configuration files from a different location. Until now these were read from the XML files in the Autogen SDK folder. But these might not always reflect the configuration that is actually loaded into FSX. So from the next version the tool will read the autogen […]

Import AGN files

Until now the scenProc tool could only be used to create AGN files. But when you want to enhance or view existing AGN files it is also useful to be able to import them again. That feature has been added to the development release versio now. To illustrate how it works I will explain two […]

Recent changes

In the last three weeks I have been a bit busy, so I haven’t posted about the changes I made to my tools recently. Here is a quick overview of the most important changes: There was a memory leak in scenProc when using the SplitGrid step, this has been fixed. But if you still have […]

Recent changes

Over the last weekend I made a couple of changes to the development releases of my tools. Here is a quick overview of the changes: Last Friday I introduce the big changes to ModelConverterX that allow multiple object placements. Unfortunately some bugs slipped into these changes. These caused crashes while loading certain BGL files and […]