I have finished testing the upgrade to .NET 8.0 for my tools, so the next development release will contain this change. I expect to release it in one or two days. If you want to keep using the development release on Windows 7 or Windows 8 systems, you better make a backup of the current […]
Upgrade of .NET version of tools
As I already mentioned in this blog post from the end of last year, I am going to upgrade the .NET version that the tool use. Currently the tool use .NET Framework 4.8, but while developing I notice that a lot of third party library are nowadays only available for more recent .NET version. For […]
Changes to .NET project structure
In this blog post I want to explain some things about the new development releases of my tools that I just put online. This time it is not an announcement for new exciting functionalities, but it is to let you know that the last week I have been updating my .NET projects. I started working […]
New development releases
With the ModelConverterX 1.7 and scenProc 3.2 stable releases officially released, I have changed the version number of the development releases to ModelConverterX 1.8 and scenProc 3.3. So from now on I will be adding new functionalities and bug fixes to these development releases. For ModelConverterX I will start to add support for MSFS 2024 […]
scenProc 3.2 stable release
I have just made the new scenProc stable release version 3.2 available. Compared to the previous stable release the main improvements are: Besides that a lot of minor bugs have also been fixed. So I would suggest everybody to use this release for now if you are on the stable release. Another change is that […]
Building generation improvements
I have improved the buidling generation algorithm that scenProc uses to create 3D building models from footprints. Additional roof types, chimneys and dormers can now also be generated. I had started on these improvements over a year ago, but got disrupted by the FS2004 aircraft MDL export that I worked on last year a lot. […]
Texture filter editor machine learning steps changes
In the latest scenProc development release there are a number of changes to how the machine learning steps work. This post gives an overview of them:
Error reporting
My tools have the ability to report errors that encounter directly to my bug tracking system for a while. This helps me to fix these issues and make the tools better. Due to some recent changes in the bug tracking system the method I had implemented is no longer working. In the development release I […]
Change log
A while ago I got the feedback that the change log that is included with my tools and can also be viewed here on the site was not really clear. The change log was automatically generated from the commit message in my version control. Yesterday I have modified the script used to generate the change […]
64-bit only development releases
With the release of the new stable releases ModelConverterX 1.6 and scenProc 3.1, the development releases have also been updated. The ModelConverterX development release is now version 1.7 and the scenProc development release is now 3.2. In these new development releases there is a big change directly, they only support 64-bit now. This means you […]