I have finished testing the upgrade to .NET 8.0 for my tools, so the next development release will contain this change. I expect to release it in one or two days. If you want to keep using the development release on Windows 7 or Windows 8 systems, you better make a backup of the current […]
Upgrade of .NET version of tools
As I already mentioned in this blog post from the end of last year, I am going to upgrade the .NET version that the tool use. Currently the tool use .NET Framework 4.8, but while developing I notice that a lot of third party library are nowadays only available for more recent .NET version. For […]
Wasting performance
With the new LOD system in MSFS 2024 I did notice that more users are using the LOD Creator tool of ModelConverterX as well to add levels of details to their models. So this triggered me to look at a number of issues and feature requests for the LOD Creator that were still on the […]
Changes to .NET project structure
In this blog post I want to explain some things about the new development releases of my tools that I just put online. This time it is not an announcement for new exciting functionalities, but it is to let you know that the last week I have been updating my .NET projects. I started working […]
DIY or not?
When developing my tools I often have to choose between implenting a functionality myself or using a third party library that provides it. Both approaches have their pros and cons of course. When coding something yourself you possibly reinvent a wheel that somebody else already did. But on the other hand it gives you more […]
Build server update
I have updated to a different build server today. I won’t bother you with all the technical details, but this means that I use different software now to create the development releases of my tools automatically at night. For you as a user nothing changes, all download links stay they same. It’s only the build […]
Oops, I broke it (again)
With the last development release of ModelConverterX, I by accident broke some functionality again. FS2004 BGL files gave an error on import. Of course I have fixed this bug quickly again, but still it’s annoying that this sometimes happens. Why does this happen now and then? Basically because it’s almost impossible for me to test […]
Build server changes
Related to the move of this website to the new server, I also had to make a few changes to the build server that I use to make the development releases. I’ll just start with an overview of the main changes, below I will explain in a little more detail how my build process works. […]
BGLComp SceneryObject flags
A few days ago I added support to ModelConverterX to read the additional options like <NoShadow /> or <NoAutogenSuppresion /> from the object placement code in the BGL file. Initially I had some trouble to find out where these options ended up in the binary code, since it was not documented in the otherwise excelent […]
Dot vs. comma again, argh…
This must one of the most annoying “features” of the FS SDK tools. Many of them only work correctly when the decimal character is set to a dot. For example MakeMDL or XtoMDL refuse to work correctly when the decimal character is a comma. Many developers bump into this problem, since a lot of countries […]