ModelConverterX can read and write the mouse rectangles of virtual cockpit MDL files for quite a while already. But this week I fixed some annoying bug in that code. These bugs must have been there for quite a long time already. Now and then some issues with mouse rectangles were reported on the forum, but […]
Prepar3D v4 visibility conditions for scenery?
This evening I have been testing Prepar3D v4 a bit more and I have especially looked at using visibility conditions in scenery MDL files. Before these were not supported at all for MDL files placed through BGL. We had to use SimObject for them, as tools like SODE do. But with Prepar3D v4 things have […]
Prepar3D v4 MDL support
In my previous post about Prepar3D v4 support of my tools I mentioned that the MDL format didn’t seem to contain many changes. On further investigation it turned out that there are a number of changes and new sections in the MDL format. These are related to the following new functionalities: Support for a second […]
Two new simulators
I the last week one new simulator was released and another one was officially announced. In this blog post I want to discuss what the impact on my various tools will be. The new simulator that was released is Flight Sim World from Dovetail. After installing the early access version I have come to the […]
Reverse earth curve correction
The latest ModelConverterX development release contains a new feature that you can also do a reverse earth curve correction. In the previous versions you could already correct your model for the FSX curved earth, but with this new feature you can also undo such a correction again. Besides that the Coordinate Converter tool can now […]
Understanding extrusion bridges
Lately I have been working with XML extrusion bridges for scenery and while doing so I noticed some weird artifacts. Even though I out the end points under the ground, they sometimes still float above it. And I also noticed that two bridges don’t always connect even though you specify the same position and altitude […]
Aircraft.cfg editor
In the next development release ModelConverterX will contain a new aircraft.cfg editor as well. This is an enhanced text editor that is linked to the 3D preview. This should make it easier to modify lights, contact points or exits for example. Because while you type the coordinates of the points they are updated directly in […]
Reading aircraft.cfg files
I have added a new feature to ModelConverterX, besides the MDL format, you can now also read the aircraft.cfg file. Each of the models defined in the CFG file will then be read into the tool. And the liveries are based on the settings in the CFG file. This will give more accurate liveries than […]
Skin and bone animations
The next development release of ModelConverterX will support skin and bone animations. I have made a little video tutorial to show all the new features and how you can use them.
Prepar3D v3 support
The development releases of my tools now support Prepar3D v3. In the rest of this post I will provide the details about what this means for the different tools. ModelConverterX the Convert and Place Object Wizard supports P3D v3 now, so it’s a version you can select to export to. Also the P3D v3 SDK is considered […]