MSFS 2024 materials

The latest development release of ModelConverterX includes support for MSFS 2024 materials. Based on the information in the SDK (schema’s, Blender scripts, …) I have tried to implement all new material options and also the schema’s that have changed since MSFS 2020. The information in the schema’s and SDK did not always align, so I […]

New development releases

With the ModelConverterX 1.7 and scenProc 3.2 stable releases officially released, I have changed the version number of the development releases to ModelConverterX 1.8 and scenProc 3.3. So from now on I will be adding new functionalities and bug fixes to these development releases. For ModelConverterX I will start to add support for MSFS 2024 […]

Material color to vertex colors

The latest development release of ModelConverterX adds a new drawcall optimization option for MSFS. It is now also possible to copy the color of the material color to the vertex colors. That allows multiple parts with the different colors to be rendered in one drawcall, if the remainder of their material settings is the same. […]

MSFS texture distortion

The latest development release of ModelConverterX contains some new functionality that help you to inspect if your model is likely to have texture distortion issues in MSFS and also allows you to minimize this effect by updating your model. The video tutorial below explains all these functions. I would also like to mention that the […]

Export MSFS scenery package

With the recent changes for scenProc to export to MSFS as well, I have added writing a scenery to a MSFS package to the exporter capabilities. This means that ModelConverterX now also has the same export capability. So if you select “Export scenery” you will be able to export to a MSFS scenery package. The […]

Exporting to MSFS

The latest development release of scenProc does adds initial support for MSFS. Since the release of MSFS I have been waiting to update scenProc as it was not clear to me what purpose the tool would still have. For example the new autogen format is still largely unsupported by the SDK tools, so making autogen […]

Texture related changes

The latest development release contains two texture related changes. Size multiple of four The first is that MCX now also supports resizing textures so that their size is a multiple of four. This is the requirement that MSFS has for the textures. FSX and Prepar3D have the more strict requirement that the size should be […]

Vertex colors

One of the new features of MSFS compared to FSX and P3D is that you can specify vertex colors in your model as well. This means that just like a position or a normal, each vertex of the model can have its own color as well. This can be a more efficient way to set […]