
I have added a new function to ModelConverterX, you can now also visualize the crashboxes of MDL objects. This can give a very interesting insight in how those crashboxes have been made by XtoMDL or MakeMDL when you exported the object. They do not always follow the shape of the object exactly. To turn on […]

Added platform support

Sometimes a new feature is not that difficult to implement as you first think. For example adding support for platforms was on the ModelConverterX wishlist for a long time already. Yesterday I have started on it and now the new feature is done already. So from tomorrow you will find that the development release can […]


Maybe not the most exciting looking picture. But it shows the feature from the ModelConverterX wishlist that I have started working on. This feature is adding support for platforms. I have started with reading the platforms from FSX MDL files. What you see in the image indicated with the red lines are the triangles of […]

Bug fix in Ground Polygon Wizard

A little while ago a user reported problems with the Ground Polygon Wizard. When slicing the polygons, some polygons were missing. I have now debugged and fixed this issue. From tomorrow the improvements are available in the development release. So if you are using the Ground Polygon Wizard please update to this version, the previous […]

Drawcall minimizer bugfix

I have just fixed some bug in ModelConverterX, to be more precise in the drawcall minimizer functionality. The bug was that when an object has LODs, the drawcall minimizer did not work correctly. This has been fixed now. This bugfix will be available in the development release from tomorrow.