ModelConverterX & crashbox granularity

In the previous post I talked about specifying the crashbox granularity in XtoMDL. I have now added an option to ModelConverterX as well to do this. The picture below shows the Exporter settings of ModelConverterX. If you want to specify the crashbox granularity you need to do two things here: Set the option SetCrashboxGranularity to […]

Alpha test level

ModelConverterX uses certain default values for the material settings when you press the “Set Default Transparent” button in the material editor. On of them is the alpha test value, which had a fixed value before. But with some alpha values in the texture that could result in the transparent part  not showing up properly. This […]

You’ve got an update!

I have added a new function to ModelConverterX, an notification when a newer development release is available. When a newer release is available you will get a notifcation message as shown in the image below. If you click on the balloon you will be taken to the ModelConverterX webpage where you can review the latest […]

More preview functionality

After fixing some bugs that were reported last week, I spend most time today on adding more functionality to the 3D preview of ModelConverterX. So that means that from tomorrow there will be the following additional features: Texture clamp is now displayed correctly in the preview. This option is not widely used, but it can […]

YouTube channel

I know that the manual of ModelConverterX is lagging behind the development release a bit. This is actually on purpose, since I only update it when I make a new stable release. But I do realize that this means that many features are undocumented at the moment. Since reading manuals is not something every user […]