Oops a mistake, undo please!

It’s probably on of the key combinations most used in computer programs, Ctrl-Z, to undo your last action. Until now ModelConverterX did not have any undo functionality. When I started with the tool an undo function was not really needed, since it was an object converter. You loaded an object and exported it into another […]

ModelConverterX user settings

How ModelConverterX stores your settings is a topic that has resulted in some discussion on the forum already. So let me try to make things more clear with this post. I am using a build in functionality of .NET to store the settings, which are conveniently called settings as well. This functionality automatically makes sure that the […]

Animation slider

I have made a small change to the ModelConverterX user interface. The control to manipulate an animation have moved to a new toolbar now. Since this toolbar takes some space, it is only shown when the object loaded has an animation. Else the entire toolbar is hidden. This new toolbar also has a slider that […]

Object Information form update

I have updated the Object Information form of ModelConverterX. Besides rearranging the information a bit, you can now also see and edit the placement information of the object on the form. This means you can see the latitude, longitude, heading and scale the object is placed at. If there is no placement yet, you can use the […]