In the next development release a couple of changes have been made in the batch convert wizard of ModelConverterX. The main changes are: You can now select if you want to save objects or scenery. When you select objects each model in the selected files is saved as a separate file. If you select scenery, […]
Placement options
I have just extended the object placement form a bit. From now on you can set more properties of the placement. So besides the position, heading and scale, so can now also set options like NoShadow or NoAutogenSuppresion.
Importing 3DS files
I have just added a new importer to ModelConverterX. From the next development release you will also be able to import files in the 3DS format. Below is a quick overview of what is supported and what the limitations are: Geometry and texture mapping is read The 3DS format does not store the normals of […]
Recent changes
Over the last weekend I made a couple of changes to the development releases of my tools. Here is a quick overview of the changes: Last Friday I introduce the big changes to ModelConverterX that allow multiple object placements. Unfortunately some bugs slipped into these changes. These caused crashes while loading certain BGL files and […]
Multiple object placements
The next development release of ModelConverterX contains a number of changes related to object placement. The main change is that you can now place multiple instances of the same object from within ModelConverterX. The placement is no longer done from the Object Information form, instead a new Object Placement form has been added. You still […]
Texture border in drawcall minimzer
The drawcall minimizer has a new option, you can now add a border around your textures. This means that a row of pixels is added with the same colour as the outside of your texture. Doing this can prevent visible edges or black lines after running the drawcall minimizer. Below is a screenshot of the […]
FSC exporter
I have added a new exporter to ModelConverterX, from now on you will also be able to export to the FSDS FSC format. The exporter will save the geometry, material and textures. Animations are not supported at this time. With this new additional it is now possible to convert both to and from FSDS. So […]
Where do the bug reports go?
A few months ago I added the error reporting function to ModelConverterX. This means that if the program crashes, you can send in an error report. But you might be wondering what happens after you send it in. At the moment 203 errors have been sent in and this is what happened with them: 3 […]
MSTS support?
So, I was on business trip and had an hour to spare or so before we would go to dinner. What would you do with that bit of time? Triggered by some reason discussion if exchange of objects between FS en MSTS could be possible, I decided to have a look at adding support for MSTS objects […]
64 bit version
Until now all of my tools were 32 bit, so even if you we’re running them on a 64 bit OS you could not access the additional memory. Especially for scenProc that was an annoying limitation, so today I took another look at making them 64 bit as well. In the end it turned out […]