Time out

As you have probably noticed I haven’t been active at all recently with my tools or on FSDeveloper. I already reported before that we bought a house and are busy renovating it. But on top of that our second son was born 3 months too early. So that means that at the moment we step […]


As you might have noticed already from the lack of activity on this blog and the fewer updates to my tools, I’m a bit busy at the moment. We have just bought a house and next week we finally get the keys. But the house also needs some modernization before we can move in, so […]

P3D v2 and GPW gaps

In my post from two days ago I reported about gaps in my ground polygons, this lead me to discover the different resolution of BGLComp and BGLC generated BGL files. But it turned out that the gap was also caused by a programming mistake I made. The round earth correction was not completely correct for […]

GPW update for P3D v2

I have just put an update of the ground polygon wizard (GPW) in the development release of ModelConverterX. With this update it is now possible to export P3D v2 MDL files from the GPW as well. These can be used in P3D v2 and it allows you to use the full material properties on your […]

GPW and P3D v2

Today I have been experimenting with updating the ground polygon wizard of ModelConverterX to also export P3D v2 MDL files for ground polygons. Given the recent announcement by Lockheed Martin that the FS2002 style polygons will be dropped in the future, it became time to update the GPW. The good news is that it was […]

Batch mode from command prompt

I already made these changes a few days ago in ModelConverterX, but since I didn’t write about them yet they probably went unnoticed by most of you. So let me document the changes I made to the batch mode. First I add a checkbox to the batch convert wizard that allows you to select if […]

Drawcall batching, a no-brainer?

Ever since the release of FSX SP2 enabling drawcall batching has been a popular method of increasing the performance of scenery. The basic idea behind drawcall batching is that the scenery engine will gather all polygons with the same material, even if they belong to different objects, and then render them in one go. This […]

Upcoming updates

The last weeks updates of my tools have been a bit slower than usual. On one hand that was because I have been busy with non-FS activities, but also because I have been experimenting a lot with creating autogen for Nantucket with scenProc. It’s useful to sometimes do some actual work with my own tools, […]