There has been some discussion recently on the FSDeveloper forum about creating a place to discuss X-Plane related topics as well. We have now created a poll to see how much interest there is to discuss addon creation for different simulators. Let us know what you think. It is a long time ago that I […]
Microsoft Flight forum closed on FSDeveloper
We have decided to close the Microsoft Flight forum we had on FSDeveloper. The reason for this is that we are a developer oriented forum and at the moment there is not much to discuss about development for Microsoft Flight. Therefore most discussing going on in that forum was gossiping, rumours and guessing. This often […]
FSDeveloper emails
It seems that we have a few issues at the FSDeveloper website with sending emails. We are investigating these issues now. So if you tried to register a new account and don’t get an email confirmation this can be the cause. If you have trouble with this, please contact us and we’ll try to help […]
FSDeveloper server performance
Over the last weeks there have been some issues with the performance of the FSDeveloper server. Now and then (but quite regularly), the performance of the server is bad. This means that pages load very slow or not at all. We are sorry for this inconvenience and we are looking into this issue. The problem […]
Video tutorials on Wiki working again
Today we found out that during the server move a few weeks ago, the video tutorials on the FSDeveloper Wiki got broken. They were no longer playing or available for download. It was just a tiny server setting that disallowed the video format, but that has been fixed now. So the video tutorials are available […]
FSDeveloper server move – status update 3
By now the domain name is pointing to the new server. So the move is done. It might take a little while before the updated reaches you though. So if you still get the “offline message” of the forum you are still pointing to the old server. Please be patient until the update reaches you.
FSDeveloper server move – status update 2
A little update about the server now. The databases and other content (like attachments) have been migrated successfully. We have performed a test on the new server and everything seems to be working fine. So the next step is to point the domain to the new server and update the DNS. We are currently working on […]
FSDeveloper server move – status update 1
Just a quick update on the FSDeveloper server now. I have just closed down the forum and will start migrating the database and other content to the new server. I’ll keep you updated on the progress through this blog.
FSDeveloper down in two hours
Just a quick reminder that we will start with our work to move the FSDeveloper site to another server in two hours. During the work the site will not be available. We expect to finish the move in a few hours.
FSDeveloper connectivity – part 4
This Sunday, November 28th, we plan to move the FSDeveloper website to another server. This move is necessary to fix the connectivity problems we had a couple of weeks ago. We have already tested that the site runs fine on the new server. So what we will do Sunday is close the site on the […]