FSDeveloper DNS problem

As already indicated in my post yesterday there is a problem with the FSDeveloper website. The DNS is not working correctly. We are working with the domain registrar to get everything working again, but since Christmas is approaching quickly now I don’t expect an answer from their support anymore before Christmas. So that means it […]

FSDeveloper offline

As you have maybe already noticed the FSDeveloper website is currently not accessible. The problem has nothing to do with the server, but for some administrative reasons the domain has been put on hold. We are working hard to reverse this and hope that the site is available again soon. If you want to keep […]


For a long time 3D objects for Flight Simulator could only be developed with a couple of tools. For example FSDS or GMax with the right gamepack. But over the last few years there is a trend to use more and more tools. For example SketchUp is also popular now to make scenery objects. Recently […]

A FS developer conference?

A user of the FSDeveloper community started an interesting discussion this week, would it be possible to organize a conference for FS addon developers? Similar to the AltDevConf it should be an online conference so that it is easy for people from everywhere to attend. At FSDeveloper we find this a very interesting idea, so […]

FlightGear on FSDeveloper

Last week we opened forums to discuss X-Plane development on FSDeveloper. And this week we have added a new subforum again, this time to discuss development for the open source FlightGear simulator. So from now on you can also discuss development of scenery or aircraft for FlightGear on FSDeveloper, we hope you enjoy those new […]

Changes to FSDeveloper forum structure

Today I will be making some changes to the forum structure. With time going on, how we make our addons has also changed slightly. For example when we started FSDeveloper more ASM tweaking was needed, but now that forum is not so active anymore. With these changes to the structure we want to make sure […]