And again an ACES team member has entered the world of blogging, this time it is Mike Singer. Also it seems that Hal Bryan has moved his blog to the Live Spaces. I must say that I am very excited about all these new bloggers, I am really looking forward to reading their backgrounds and […]
Am I a data junkie?
At work my collegue and I, we are the ones working on the visual databases for the simulators, are quite well known for our excessive harddisk usage on our development systems. When we are using satelite images in these visual database, it is not that weird to have a few GB of images that we […]
Updating some links…
If you have been reading the blogs of [JonPatch] or [Nick] this is not really news anymore, but I updated the links to MS blogs. Tim Gregson has a new blog location, and I added the blogs of Brett Schnepf (community development manager), Rick Selby (lead game designer trainsim) and Pat Cook (design director ACES).
The FsX MDL format
On the FsDeveloper Wiki I have added a page that describes (part of) the FsX MDL format. At the moment mainly the sections involved in a simple scenery object are covered, as that is the part I mainly looked at for the ModelConverterX tool until now. Hopefully this page is useful to other programmers as […]
Library Creator XML 2.0 alpha
I have made an alpha version of the new Library Creator XML version 2.0 available at the FsDeveloper forums. So if you want a GUI to create your FsX object libraries, give it a try! And as it still is an alpha version I can’t promise that it will be bug free.
Scenery Shortcut
Both Owen and Nick blogged about the new Scenery Shortcut tool from Abacus in the last days. I must say that personally I don’t really get all the enthousiasm about this tool, as it does not seem to really add something new that you can’t do with the Mission Object Placement tool already. You can […]
Library Creator XML 2.0
Today I started coding on the update to make Library Creator XML fully compatible with FsX. Or actually I should say that I started with this new version from scratch, using C# this time. As Library Creator is not a very complex tool, I have been able to get a lot done in just one […]
ModelConverterX with textures
As I posted some screenshots yesterday of a church in ModelConverterX, I can not held back this new screenshots. I have now been able to load some textures as well. It will still take some time before this tool can do anything useful, but at least I can now visualize the models that I read […]
Is there a future for ObPlacer XML?
As you might already have read on Nicks blog, we are been playing a bit with the Object Placement Tool that comes with the FsX SDK. While this tool has probably been designed with missions in mind primarily, I think it can become a few powerful and useful tool for scenery designers as well. The […]
Is it a gift to annoy people?
Over the last few days I found out that spammers have found a new way to annoy me. This time they are not spamming my blog or my email accounts (well, they are still spamming my email, but not more than usual). I noticed that on the Talk/Discussion pages of the FsDeveloper Wiki they have […]