I have just uploaded a new build of Library Creator XML 2.0 alpha to the forums. In this latest build I have added back most of the functions that are available in the 1.0 version. Only the Rwy12 export is still missing, I will try to add that again in the next build. But I […]
Downloads also online again
After updating the software used in the download center, it is back online now. I have also adjusted the settings of the download center a bit, so hopefully that will prevent the problems with the high server load we had yesterday.
Website running again
The FsDeveloper website is online again, but I had to disable the download section for the moment. It was the script from the download section causing the server load. It seemed someone from China was calling this script very often. Until I have found a solution for this, the download section will remain offline. I […]
FsDeveloper is currently down
The FsDeveloper website is currently down, as the webhost turned it off after a certain script used too much resources on the server. I am currently trying to figure out what is going wrong.
Some normal map tricks
I do promise this will be my last post about normal maps for today, as I finally got them to work as I wanted. Due to the way MS has written their shaders, some special care is needed when constructing your normal map texture. If you just use the plugins that are made for it, […]
Normal map plugin
Hope you are not yet fed up with all my posts about normal maps. The SDK advice us to use the Nvidia Normal Map plugin for PhotoShop to create our normal maps. For those using the GIMP I just found a plugin that offers the same functionality, but then for the GIMP. I just wanted […]
How normal maps work
For those of you that are trying to understand more about the normal mapping (or bump mapping as it is called in the gamepack) that can be used in FsX, have a look at this nice tutorial. It helped me a lot in understand more of the principles behind it. At the moment I am […]
Cool idea to create normal maps
As you might have seen in the forums, I have been playing with bump mapping for scenery objects lately. While I was searching the web for a little more information, that might solve my shading problem as mentioned in the forum, I can across a nice tutorial that shows how you could create a bump […]
Working with FwTools
I have added a new article to the Wiki that explains how you can use [FwTools] to create GeoTIFF files, which you can use for your photo scenery. There might be other tools to do such tricks, but I am familiar with FwTools as I use it at work. And besides that it is a […]
Still alive
I know I have not posted that much lately on my blog, but I am still alive. Unfortunately I did not have that much time the last weeks to explore the nice things I want to post about, but that seems to be changing again now. Last weekend I finished a new build of Library […]