After spending most of my spare time on the upcoming FsDeveloper update in the last two weeks, I was able to get some work done on the ModelConverterX tool again this evening. In my last update on this tool, I mentioned that the code to read the API macros needed some more work and that […]
FsDeveloper graphical design help wanted
For the FsDeveloper site we are looking for someone to help us with the graphical design. See Nick’s blog post for all details.
I have quite some books (despite my not so old age). I guess if I keep collecting them at this pace I will need a bigger house soon to store them, or I might have to give up some more space in the living room. In the past I have tried some computer programs to […]
FsDeveloper work in progress
As Nick already hinted at in his recent blog post, we have finally started to implement the change to the FsDeveloper website that I already talked about before. Today I have played with the settings to integrate the wiki and the forums a lot better and I can say that I got it working quite […]
ObPlacer XML update
I have just released a small update for ObPlacer XML. This new version (0.84) does not have that many changes, but some recent discussions in the community still encouraged me to release it now. This first change is that it includes a new feature, you can now also place a fuel trigger object. For this […]
Airport Facilitator X
Flight1 has released a new scenery design tool, Airport Facilitator X. I have not (yet) tried this new tool, but looking at the info and pictures they provide it seems to extend AFCAD. Of course it is always good to build on such a nice tool. The tools works with both Fs2004 and FsX, and […]
A little bit of success
I just succeeded in exporting my first object from ModelConverterX back into FsX. In a previous post I showed a museum building that I had loaded into ModelConverterX from an API macro. Now I have been able to write it as a X file again, which I compiled into a FsX MDL file with XtoMDL. […]
XtoMDL does not yet like my X files
Yesterday I wrote about the continuing work on ModelConverterX. As I already mentioned then, watching the Tour de France delayed my progress a little bit. But I got as far as exporting my object as a FsX X file. At least that is what I thought. But XtoMDL does not yet seem to agree with […]
NL2000 version 3
As you might have read on the internet already, the new version of the [NL2000] scenery has been released. This latest release is for Fs2004 and again covers the entire country, with all its airports. The main difference is that this time the entire country has been filled with 1 meter per pixel photo scenery, […]
Loading in all the different kind of textures that FS supports in a tool can be a quite challenging task. Some scenery object use 8 bit textures, others 32 bit, or compressed DXT textures. Some objects even still use the old RAW textures with a palette. And in FsX the DDS format has been added […]