A little while ago I already wrote about the fact that I was working on my own texture loaders for the ModelConverterX tool. I have now finished the first versions of the loaders I find most important for the tool. I say first, as I am sure some bugs will be surfacing when they are […]
FSDeveloper site is down
While the flu kept me in my bed, it seems something else also affected the webserver of the FSDeveloper website. I just noticed it today when I sat behind my computer again and I have informed support about it. So hopefully the site will be running soon again. As this kind of problems seem to […]
Ground polygon tutorial
Making ground polygons with GMax always seems to be a hot issue, especially the fact that you have to use the FS2002 gamepack and apply some tweaks to make things work. So this challenging part of scenery design gets discussed a lot on the forums. But now there is a new tutorial that might help […]
Public transport
First, sorry for this rant, but at the moment I am just to annoyed by it. Since a few moments the public transport company of Amsterdam already decided to make it more difficult for me to get to work. They are renovating some stations, including the one I have to depart from. To make that […]
Texture file formats
Loading the textures files into the ModelConverterX tool is something that has given me quite some challenges already. I have used different libraries for it already and all of them gave me some trouble. At the moment I am using the library by Martin Wright and although this one can read all the files I […]
ESP Developers Conference
I am a bit late, so you might already have read this somewhere else. Microsoft is organising an ESP Developers Conference in both Orlando and London. For more details check the ESP blog. The one in London is at the 19th of November and I am tempted to go there myself as well. At the […]
Getting up to speed
One of the problems with the latest release of ModelConverterX is that the preview image can be a bit slow when a big model is loaded. And with a bit slow I mean that it can take a second or so to update while you are rotating around. This is a bit annoying to say […]
Back from vacation, but…
I am back from vacation now for almost a week, but today I finally had the time to get up to date with all the posts on the FSDeveloper forum. This was partly because I had to go to Paris on bussiness trip two days this week and also because there were just to many […]
Just to let you all know that I will not be writing on this blog in the next three weeks. The simple reason for that is that I will be on vacation. So see you again in three weeks time.
Phil Taylor is leaving ACES
If you have not heard it already, Phil Taylor is leaving ACES, check out this post at Phil’s own blog. I wish him luck and a lot of fun in his new job. And a big thanks for all the work he did for FS in the past. Especially the role he played in opening […]