FSDeveloper not reachable

At the moment the FSDeveloper site seems not reachable. I have asked the webhost to look at this problem, so hopefully the site is up again soon. EDIT: By now the problem is solved and the site is up and running again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Converting SCASM animations

This week I made some good progress on ModelConverterX again. The ability to convert animations from SCASM macros was on my wishlist for a long time already and I have now taken the first steps. Animations that are defined with a SCASM TransformCall command are supported. For these animations you specify for each axis which […]

Is this the end?

The recent developments of Microsoft shutting down the ACES studio are making me a bit sad. Let me try to explain why. When FSX was released it included some great improvements over FS2004. I am talking from a scenery designer perspective of course, so I was most happy about the improved terrain engine, that allows […]

Some more news

Over the night some more news on ACES has appeared, I’ll just post the interesting links here: http://www.futuregpu.org/2009/01/end-of-era-aces-studio-and-flight-sim.html http://pc.ign.com/articles/947/947737p1.html