At the moment the FSDeveloper site is down. We hope to get it back as soon as we can.
FSDeveloper video tutorials
This week I came across the Procaster application to stream you desktop to the internet and yesterday I used it to do a interactive video tutorial about GMax on the FSDeveloper channel at Livestream. There was a good audience of about a dozen people, especially when you keep in mind I only announced the event […]
Revival of a tool
Today I made a new version of a small tool I did some time ago. Actually I redesigned it completely from scratch using C# and .NET this time. The tool I am talking about is CompileHelper. This is a small tool to assist developers in compiling their source files. For many developers using command line […]
LOD Creator improvements
The functionality in ModelConverterX to create lower level of detail versions of a model was running very slow for complex objects. I have not fixed that completely (yet), but I have made some changes to this functionality that should at least make it easier to work with. The calculation that simplifies the object is now […]
A clear license for the Wiki content
At the FSDeveloper community we are working on adding a clear license to the Wiki, so that it is clear what people can do with the content that is on there. Therefore we are proposing to use a Creative Commons license, please read all the details of the proposal on the forum.
3DS exporter improved
I have just fixed some bugs in the 3DS exporter of ModelConverterX. The main issue solved is that complex objects often could not be imported into GMax. Without going into too much technical details, this was caused by some variables being stored as a short, allowing a maximum value of 65535. Some object parts had […]
How do YOU like to work?
As I posted before, I am planning for a new ground polygon tool. To get more clear how potential end users, yes that is YOU, would prefer to make ground polygons I have setup a poll at the FSDeveloper forum. So please let me know what your ideal way to add ground polygons to a […]
You could say that recently unions have played a role in my life. First there has been my wedding one and a half week ago of course, forming a nice union between me and my wife. But that is not what I want to talk about in this blog post. I have also been working […]
Looking for input on a new ground polygon tool
For a while I am thinking about a new tool that will help in the creation of ground polygons, for the moment this tool will have the working name of gPoly. I have now setup a forum at FSDeveloper to discuss the requirements for such a tool. So I would like to invite other developers […]
Yesterday Jon Masterson (scruffyduck for the FSDeveloper forum members) has released a new version of Airport Design Editor. The main new feature is that the tool now also support FS2004 airport XML files. I think it is good news that this program can now be used for FS2004 and FSX design. So I would advice […]