Small DrawCallMonitor update

I have just made a small update to the DrawCallMonitor tool. The change is that the user interface now has a status bar that will show you some additional information. The two main things are does this object have drawcall batching and does it have working levels of details. These two are related, but with […]

Quite some news

I haven’t posted much to this blog recently, because some other things kept me busy. Had a business trip for work, spend some time preparing for the Sinterklaas celebration tradition we have in the Netherlands, etc. But there has been quite some exiting news recently that I want to share with you all. Flight beta Microsoft has […]

Updating the batch functionality

In the last week or so I got two requests to make small modifications to the batch convert functionality of ModelConverterX. But instead of just making these small changes, I have decided to give this functionality a bigger update (that was something I had in mind already). My goal is to make the batch convert […]


Some weeks ago I added a tool called agn2txt to the development release package of my tools. With this tool you can decompile AGN files to readable TXT files. Today I have added the reverse tool as well. As you might have guessed it is called txt2agn and it can be used to compile the […]

FSWeekend presentations

I made a mistake in my last blog post about our SketchUp presentation at FSWeekend. We will not be giving this presentation on both days, but only on the Saturday. On the Sunday there are some other interesting presentations. Below is the complete schedule of all presentations. Hope to see you there! Saturday 11:00 – […]

scenProc improved filtering

Today I have extended the filtering options in scenProc. I have added some addition parameters and allowed different conditions. The new attributes are the length, width and area of the feature. These are calculated and added as attributes for each feature now. The new conditions mean that you can now also filter on attributes being […]