Changes to .NET project structure

In this blog post I want to explain some things about the new development releases of my tools that I just put online. This time it is not an announcement for new exciting functionalities, but it is to let you know that the last week I have been updating my .NET projects. I started working on ModelConverterX in 2007 and at that time it was my first C# project. Since then I have of course learned a lot of new things, but the basic why my .NET projects were structured did not change a lot. Recently I was noticing that this limited me to use new libraries and other recently developments. So I have now upgraded all my projects to the .NET SDK format so that I can go to more recent versions of .NET in the (near) future. Also I have used NuGet more to get the 3rd party libraries that I use.

The development release that is now online does still target the same .NET version as before I changed the project structure. So it still uses .NET Framework 4.8. But I plan that somewhere in the next weeks I will try to upgrade to a more recent version, probably I’ll go to .NET 8 directly. Once that is changed I will of course announce it.

The changes I made now have changed quite a lot internally. I did quite some testing to make sure everything still works, but still it could be I missed something. So if you have any issues with the latest development release, please let me know on the forum or by email.

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