In this blog post I want to explain some things about the new development releases of my tools that I just put online. This time it is not an announcement for new exciting functionalities, but it is to let you know that the last week I have been updating my .NET projects. I started working […]
MSFS 2024 materials
The latest development release of ModelConverterX includes support for MSFS 2024 materials. Based on the information in the SDK (schema’s, Blender scripts, …) I have tried to implement all new material options and also the schema’s that have changed since MSFS 2020. The information in the schema’s and SDK did not always align, so I […]
New development releases
With the ModelConverterX 1.7 and scenProc 3.2 stable releases officially released, I have changed the version number of the development releases to ModelConverterX 1.8 and scenProc 3.3. So from now on I will be adding new functionalities and bug fixes to these development releases. For ModelConverterX I will start to add support for MSFS 2024 […]
ModelConverterX stable release
I have just uploaded the new stable release of ModelConverterX, version 1.7. The main changes compared to the previous stable release are: I would suggest everybody who is using the stable release to update to this new version.
scenProc 3.2 stable release
I have just made the new scenProc stable release version 3.2 available. Compared to the previous stable release the main improvements are: Besides that a lot of minor bugs have also been fixed. So I would suggest everybody to use this release for now if you are on the stable release. Another change is that […]