The last development release adds a new feature that had been in my mind for a while already. I have added a way to control which visiblity conditions are shown in the preview. Until now all visibility conditions were rendered as if their condition was true. Now if you click on the Visibility Condition State […]
Texture related changes
The latest development release contains two texture related changes. Size multiple of four The first is that MCX now also supports resizing textures so that their size is a multiple of four. This is the requirement that MSFS has for the textures. FSX and Prepar3D have the more strict requirement that the size should be […]
DIY or not?
When developing my tools I often have to choose between implenting a functionality myself or using a third party library that provides it. Both approaches have their pros and cons of course. When coding something yourself you possibly reinvent a wheel that somebody else already did. But on the other hand it gives you more […]