After the recent performance improvements to ModelConverterX, I have been working on another feature that was on my wishlist for a long time and that is supporting rendering PBR materials in the preview. The next development release does add this feature for P3D PBR models. Below you see a screenshot of a test model with PBR in ModelConverterX (thanks to Bill Womack for sharing this model with me for testing).
When the “Is PBR material” attribute is set to true, ModelConverterX will use a different shader to render the model part using the PBR techniques. I think I have added most attributes that P3D has for the PBR material as well, but if you find any issues let me know.
The next step is to update the ModelConverterX shader to also work with the MSFS PBR materials. This should hopefully be a relatively easy step now that I have the P3D PBR materials working.

I am amazed by your level of skills in building these tools. Now, I wonder if you have plans to build tools to help users build things for MSFS 2020. In my imagination, we need “easier to use” tools for adjusting the cameras.cfg Also, a generic aircraft designing tool (visually based) would be cool. I have some experience with the old vb6, but that is now over 20 years ago. So, you can tell I am biased towards visual basic style of tweaking models. As a big fan of your works, know that your contributions to this area helps many people push simulation tech forward at a faster pace. And, look at the creativity that this guy has done: I know his models look goofy; but, such creativity stimulates others to contribute as well. Best of Health to you and yours. Bud Labitan 4/5/2021