With FS2020 being available I would like to let you know that I have started on adding support for the glTF models in ModelConverterX already. But it’s not yet finished or fully tested as my current machine doesn’t meet the FS2020 specs.
Once I’m back from vacation I’ll continue on this feature. By that time the dust of the release should have settled a bit as well.
And I’ll have to see how to upgrade my machine, so that I can properly test things.
Really looking forward to this update. I’m living in a 2nd tier city and my home airport is still a flat ground in FS2020. Thanks for your work
Wow that’s fantastic
Enjoy your vacation.
tanks Arno.
Enjoy your vacation.
Hi. When using MCX To try to load a BGL File, I get this issue.
An error occured during importing the selected file
Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length
at System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)
at ASToFra.ObjectReader.BGLXReader.ReadNameDict(String filename)
at ASToFra.ObjectReader.BGLXReader.Read(String filename)
at ASToFra.ObjectReader.BGLReader.Read(String filename)
at ASToFra.ObjectReader.AllObjectReader.Read(String fileName)
at ASToFra.ModelConverterX.MainWindow.bwImporter_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
What kind of bgl file do you try to load?
I tried to load a BGL scenery file, to convert it into models to then rework in blender. Not sure if the program can do this or not, as I have had some good success with aircraft Model files.
Yes, you should be able to load scenery bgl files. For which version of FS was the file made?
most recent afaik
Whar do you mean with most recent? P3D v5? FSX?
FSX, sorry, should have specified that
Dear Arno
Make a collection / crowedfunding to get the resource to update your mahine.
We need you I think ?!
Great idea, i would give some bucks.
hey, its already there: https://www.scenerydesign.org/donations/
so use that paypal button to support fs2020 hardware for Arno
brought my BGL issue to a new comment as it wouldn’t let me reply.
You asked for the game version, I amm using FSX BGL files.
That error you posted doesn’t make sense for FSX files. Are you using the latest development release of MCX?
Hi Arno,
No matter what you offer us, it will always be greatly appreciated!
Hi Arno
First of all, thx for all previous work, it has been su hugely usefull!
Can’t wait to see the FS2020 compatible version so I can start doing liveries
Merci Beaucoup !
Hi, how close is the MSFS2020 version please? Looking forward to getting started with this.
It’s part of the latest development release, so it’s available.
Brilliant thanks, is there any tutorials to get going with MSFS2020?
Cant seem to save textures as its asking for IMAGETOOL and I cant seem to locate this within the SDK. Any help will be brilliant. Thanks
ImageTool is only used when saving to dds. For MSFS I suggest that you save to png.
Else you would need the get an FSX or P3D sdk that contains ImageTool.
Yeah that worked (sort of) I still get an issue where the texture is skewed/distorted. It seems it is because of triangles in the object, however I have no idea how to get rid of them. Even the simplest of built objects in sketchup seem to generate these triangles where the texture will distort itself around them. In blender you can get rid of some of them but not all. Its a little frustrating because I can get my objects into MSFS2020 no problem and they look great, its just the texturing thats causing me a headache. Hope you can help Arno.
Do you tile your textures? MSFS does not support that well and that can cause distortion.
I make the image to a power of 2 in photoshop, then create the material in sketchup and paint it onto the surface and then texture/position it into place.
Thats the only way I know how unless you know another way?
I appreciate the replies. Thanks
It has nothing to do with the texture, it depends if you repeat the texture multiple times on the polygon or not.
OK so using the default textures in sketchup work perfectly in the sim, so its got to be the textures that I am importing. Getting somewhere at least but not sure where im going wrong.
Hi Arno,
Could it be that your .gltf Format Export for the MSFS 2020 is suitable.
Whenever I have a Model in the .gltf Format ( Boat from Henrik Nielsen )slightly
change, and then with the modelconverterX export, I get a file that MSFS can not read.
The file sizes have also changed. The Model is in the MSFS 2020 no visible.
This is a shame, because the modelconnverterX is one of my most used program.
But by this shortcoming, he is for to Convert in the MSFS.gltf Format useless.
What kind of error does MSFS give when you try to package the model?
Hi Arno,
Here’s what I did. I load a ship model from Henrik into the MCX. Then I change only the Z-axis, i.e. the height. Now I export the model again as .gltf format. Then I integrate it back into my package. After starting the MSFS it is no longer displayed.
Did you compile the package again, either with the in sim tools or the fspackagetool?
MCX makes the glTF files that go in the package sources folder. But before they can be used in the sim they need to be packaged, which optimizes a lot of things and adds some MSFS specific things.
o.k. Arno,
thanks for your help!
I can’t seem to find a way to import a MSFS2020 BGL scenery. Is there anyway I can do this? What are the steps in importing it to MCX
It would be the same as importing any other bgl file. Just select it in the import dialog or drag it onto MCX.
Do you get any error or warning when you try to load it?
When importing a MSFS2020 scenery BGL file into MCX only one of the model’s are displayed in the viewport. I can see in the event log it is reading the other models but they are not rendered on screen. Is there something I am missing?
Nevermind. I answered my own question. USER ERROR!!
You probably found the green arrow buttons to navigate between different objects in a vgl.
Second question, I import a MSFS2020 scenry BGL file to get a particular model out of it. I then tried exporting the model to both GLTF and FBX to then be able to load in blender. With both file types, the model seems very strangely done. All of the objects seem to have ngons and there are floating vertices everywhere. Objects are tied together which should not be tied together and therfore texture incorrectly.
Do I not have a setting correct? Or is this just the nature of import / export? Thusly, need to fix all these “errors”.
No, the export should work fine. The only limitation is that skin and bone animations are not supported. I don’t know if that applies to your object. Does the object look normal in the MCX preview?
Yes it looks normal in MCX. It’s only when I bring it in blender that there are strange verticies and ngons. In blender there are children under the parent in the collection that should not be together. Therefore editing the different objects is impossible. And texturing it is stuck to these children and not seperated.
Is it possible this is just the way the model was made? Poorly?
It’s hard to say what is going on without seeing the model or a screenshot of the issue. Can you provide a model to test with maybe?
Sure. Where should I send it?
You can send it to arno _AT_ scenerydesign.org.