The next development release of scenProc will contain the new filter syntax. Please have a good look at the updated manual, as it shows how the new syntax works and contains updated samples of all steps. Here are just the highlights of the changes: Besides And conditions, you can now also do Or or Not […]
New filter syntax almost there…
Just a early warning, the scenProc update with the new filter syntax is almost ready for release. I have just started to update the manual for all the changes, so hopefully in a few days I can put this feature in the development release. Why this warning? This update will change how the filter syntax […]
More exporting formats
I have added a new step to scenProc that provide more exporting possiblities. Besides the FS specific BGL and AGN export, before you could only export to images and Shapefiles. I have now added a new step that also allows to export to other GIS vector formats. For loading vector data scenProc uses the OGR […]