Over the last days I have been working on extending the material settings supported by ModelConverterX. I have now come to the point that all of the specific settings that you can make with a FlightSimX material can be edited with ModelConverterX as welll. If you download the latest development build you can try it out.
Adding this function has two main benefits. First it is possible to make more accurate settings for the material when converting API macros. For example the options for constant lighting or no shadows can be enabled now. The second benefit is that the material settings can be studied when importing an already existing MDL file. In many cases this can give a good insight in which combination of settings works best.
There is one thing that I did not finish yet. I am still working on adding good descriptions of the settings, based on those given in the SDK. These descriptions show in the Material Editor when clicking on a certain property. As tomorrow I will be leaving for a short vacation to Portugal, this will not be finished this week.